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Everything posted by tayfray

  1. I'd ask if you can send in an updated CV that reflects your newly accepted article.
  2. I called Emerson to ask about enrollment deposit thing, and the guy said that he can't tell us over the phone, but the decisions will be coming out by mail.
  3. Well, the weird thing is that it's under the "enrollment deposit link." There's an admissions decision link that also appeared today, but it says decision isn't available yet. So I don't want to celebrate too much, just in case. It says, Congratulations [my name], you're in! What's next? 1) Celebrate 2) Confirm you intentions to enroll [and then it's just technical stuff about submitting the deposit and health records, etc.]
  4. Oh, holy crap, I'M IN!!!! (I think. When I click the link it says, "congratulations, you're in.")
  5. I have the link. Is that a good sign? OMG. "To confirm your enrollment, a $200 Enrollment Deposit is required. Submit online by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or electronic check."
  6. Uh-oh, the results board shows an Emerson decision. Snail mail.
  7. Oh, geez. I want to hear back, but I don't think I can handle a third rejection in a row. (I'm considering the GWU "hold list" to be a functional rejection.) I really didn't expect it to be like this.
  8. I guess I'd better get more serious about planning for life without grad school.
  9. Pretty much the same as you. 1290, high GPA. Out of field applicant, many years of research in neuroscience (working hands-on with kids), 2 years volunteering with adults.
  10. No, I've been rejected at one place already. Thanks, though.
  11. Waitlisted at GWU. Bleh. Thank you for your application to the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at The George Washington University. We sincerely appreciate your interest in our program. We were extremely impressed with your qualifications. Based on the strengths of your application, you have been placed on a hold list for individuals interested in occupying available openings within in the next few months. If there is any additional information that you wish the admissions committee to review, I encourage you to send it me at the below contact information and I’ll happily add it to your application. Additionally, you’ll be receiving future email correspondence inquiring about your interest in remaining on our hold list and I encourage you to respond if you would like to do so. Again, thank you for taking the time to apply to our program and the admissions committee wishes you all the best in the coming months.
  12. I'm guessing that all of the Jan. 15 CSDCAS programs are going to be about mid-March.
  13. Called up MGH today to ask for a time line and she said, "probably not until mid-March." If I can get the guts to call up some more programs I'll let you guys know.
  14. Oh yes, please do. I was thinking of making a polite phone call just to see if I can get any idea about what's happening.
  15. According to this thread (AuD is using it, too), at least one school got fed up and decided not to use it again. I think that's a good sign-- I hope it's a trend. http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=798165
  16. I think it's due to CSDCAS. They didn't even mail out the applications until early this week for the people who submitted on the January 15th deadline (thank god mine went in earlier).
  17. Seriously. People think I'm crazy for applying to 9 programs and worrying about not being accepted to any. I wanted 12 but my advisor said no. People don't want to hear it when I say, "I'm not a perfect applicant and it's a competitive pool. I'll be lucky to get into one."
  18. It's tough. My husband and I had to deal with this. Basically, we decided we needed to take turns going to school and working. First, he applied to a number of grad programs and I applied to jobs in the same cities. I got a good job in the same city as one of his accepted schools, so we moved across the country to go there and my job supported us while he got his degree. Now that he's finished with his degree, we're doing the same thing for me: I'm applying to a bunch of schools in certain cities that we both agreed on, and he's working on getting a job in those places. Granted, we don't own a house yet, but it's still a difficult thing to do.
  19. Same thing happened last year with Portland State. 370 applicants for about 30 openings. In addition to economy, I think a lot of it has to do with geography. The Northwest only has a few programs, so when people in that area apply, they apply mainly to just those schools. The programs in cities (Portland and Seattle) get very high numbers of applicants because they are drawing more change-of-career people who are already established in those areas.
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