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Everything posted by tayfray

  1. Bad news here, too. Bummer. It wasn't my top choice, but it is pretty depressing that the first response was a rejection.
  2. Oh, I am ridiculously unproductive. It's hard to keep myself from calling the programs to ask when I can expect to hear something. Is it going to be tomorrow or is it going to be 6 weeks from now?
  3. Is it just me, or is this the SLOWEST February ever?? I feel like every day is going by in a crawl, and I'm always surprised by the calendar date.
  4. Yeah, I got the invitation to the SXU open house, but I don't think it means anything.
  5. Ohh, I've already read that like 4 or 5 times all the way through. It kind of freaks me out when I get to the people who were still waiting in APRIL. I'm thinking the timing will be a little different this year, though, because a bunch of the schools are using CSDCAS for the first time instead of doing it the traditional way. 6 of my schools are CSDCAS.
  6. Anyone hearing anything back yet? Everyone that I know who is applying this season (in other fields) are already having interviews and getting decisions. I'm so anxious! Of course, I keep checking the "results" page obsessively, but that makes it worse, since a couple of people have heard back from GWU, which is one of the programs I applied to.
  7. Oh, no! Did CSDCAS just screw up and send them an incomplete package? Yikes! What a horrible, horrible system.
  8. 3.7 undergrad (neuroscience and psychology), 4.0 or 4.12 communication disorders postbacc (depending on whether you ask the school or CSDCAS), 1290 GRE (660V, 630Q), 6 years of research including 3 years working research full-time. Not too much clinical other than volunteer stuff.
  9. Actually, I take that back... I looked at my Emerson account and they do at least have information about where my letters and transcripts came from. *shrug* It would be really nice if they did start processing stuff sooner than later.
  10. I use adviser. When in doubt I like to check this page: http://apps.carleton.edu/campus/publications/styleguide/ They have a pretty handy summary of items from the Chicago Manual of Style.
  11. I think they get your contact info and your submission date. I'm pretty sure they don't get your materials until CSDCAS mails it out to them.
  12. On Friday (1/29) I was on the phone with CSDCAS and they told me they were working on applications submitted in the first week of January.
  13. Mine aren't mailed either. I heard that they try to mail them in batches, which is really annoying.
  14. If it makes you feel better, my CSDCAS application was just processed this morning. Even with a whole host of absurd problems (which I can tell you about by private message if you want a vent session), it took 26 days from the day I e-submitted.
  15. Don't read too much into short, clipped emails from professors. As someone who has been in academia for a good long while, this is normal. They get a bazillion emails and they just want to get through them, and they don't worry about being wordy to make you feel better. You're lucky if they sign the email with more than a lowercase initial. The professor that I work for rarely sends out emails that are complete sentences. The average character length is probably about 20.
  16. This is probably a better forum for it, but there's another SLP thread here:
  17. MGH Emerson BU St. Xavier Rush Northwestern U of Minnesota PSU George Washington 9 applications, 6 of them CSDCAS. I have a feeling the decisions are going to take an extra-long time at the CSDCAS schools due to the aching slowness of the processing. I had a lot of frustrations with CSDCAS.
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