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Posts posted by Boxedwine

  1. I'm wondering if schools will adhere to the timelines they had last year. I'm guessing no one is going to ask for in-person interviews, meaning that the timelines could be completely different than from previous years. That makes my neurosis much stronger as we approach (and maybe kind of pass?) the time that Stanford and Northwestern reached out last year. 

  2. Hey @Penny Jar

    We are on Spring Break so I wouldn't expect to hear anything till next week, or more realistically two - three more weeks. The range tends to be late March to early April for notification. But I wish you luck!  

    It is fully funded. We pay zero fees or tuition. Here's the nitty gritty, though. It's not a huge a living stipend. 

    You get paid for teaching at the university. It's a 25% appointment for incoming students with very few exceptions. This amounts to a little over $800 every month, or about $7,200 for the academic year. While that doesn't seem like a lot, Iowa City is cheap! (I came from Seattle so I think it's cheap.) Some of us do have jobs outside the department in addition to that, though, myself included. There are people who make it work without. I have a large one bedroom with a living room and office and I pay $775. I had some money saved up from Seattle, I work another job, and I really wanted the privacy of a one bedroom, cause I'd never been able to afford to live alone before. However, people who have roommates/two bedroom apartments pay much much less for housing. There are definitely two bedroom situations for about $800 a month. To each their own. 

    There are opportunities to teach more than a 25% appointment (I'm crossing my fingers for one next year) but they are few and far between. Everyone wants them and there's not enough money for everyone to have one. But like I said, a lot of us have jobs outside the department and make it work that way. Because we do have so much time to write, it's easy for the playwright's schedule to figure out another job that won't demand too much of your time. 

    I love Iowa for a lot of reasons. The money isn't great, and I make my voice heard about that often, but the time to write and production opportunities are amazing. Iowa is often overlooked by MFA seekers because it's not in a big city, but because it's not in a big city, it's actually pretty easy to focus on writing your ass off, learning how to teach, and working intensely on production. And again, because it's not the most expensive city, it's easy to find work and make a smaller stipend work without living an hour away.

  3. Hi @Penny Jar

    I'm an MFA at Iowa and have met Peter a number of times (he's an alum of the workshop here and bases some of the things at Indiana around his experience here). I'm happy to echo the ideas presented here about not being in a city hub and how that feels at the outset like you have fewer networking opportunities. While I agree to some extent with that still, it's also not fully accurate. I can't speak for Indiana (other than liking Peter immensely as a person, playwright, and teacher), but when it comes to Iowa, the department does its best to invite people as guests throughout the year for one-off seminars and for New Play Festival so that can help you gain those connections. Most recently of note, Lisa D'amour, Kia Corthron, Wendy Goldberg (director of O'Neill) and Jennie Page White (literary manager at Humana). 

    On top of that, there are so many production opportunities at Iowa and there is a focus on writing and generation, over teaching you how to write. These things were really important to me because I didn't want to work on re-writing the same play for three years, or be forced to write plays like someone else. At minimum the program amounts to six new plays written over three years, but for those that are really wanting to use the time it can mean upwards of nine or ten plays over three years, with the opportunity to have them all workshopped and then at minimum two productions, with the option for three, or even four if you happen to luck out and want to pursue those. Everyone has different goals for their graduate experience, but for me, I've really enjoyed the time here. The flyover locations feel like they might not be worth it for the connections, but I have to say that all of the faculty are game to make those connections happen by who they invite for the yearly showcase and  throughout the year. 

    Again, I know it's not really Indiana specific, but it might help you figure out the questions you want to ask to see what's really the right fit for what you want to do. Other of my friends in different MFA programs talk a lot about their "how to write plays" classes, or how they just tearing apart the play they wrote to get into the program for the first year, and that kind of process is not for me. My writing has improved greatly since coming here, just from having the time and space to explore what I want to do and what's speaking to me now. And now when I go back to those plays I used to apply here, I am re-writing them ten times better, but not because the program is forcing me to, but because I've learned from a cohort of geniuses who all write what they want to write.  

    So anyway, for what it's worth. Either way, go to the program that speaks to what you want. Graduate school does not automatically lead to connections. And those connections don't matter if you can't write worthwhile material. So go to the place where you think you'll do your best work. That's my advice. 

    (Yes, I still wish there were a more connections here, but ultimately, my cohort is awesome and supportive. And I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same way about a lack of connections no matter where I was. But the connections I have made have been very targeted. They've taken a little more time to come to something fruitful, but now when they ask for a new play that I'm working on, I have something to send instead of just another re-write of an old play.)   

  4. I'm in at Iowa. Art didn't hold me in suspense. He told me within the first five minutes of the phone call that I was in and so the "interview" was more or less a chance for me to ask questions about the school and for him to confirm my interest in the program. I haven't gotten the official letter with the financials, yet. But I'm still pretty stoked about it. 

    A friend of mine was also offered admission at Iowa, but they will likely not be taking it because they also got offered a different, big opportunity. But Art wanted them to wait to make up their mind until they gets the financials. So if you're on the waitlist for Iowa, there will probably some movement there in the next week or so. 

    My final score card: 

    UT Austin Michener and T&D - interviewed, rejected

    Yale - interviewed, rejected

    UCSD - interviewed, rejected

    Brown - rejected

    Iowa - accepted 

    I hope that those of you still waiting to hear from programs, hear soon. This whole process has been very stressful and has really fucked with my writing motivation. So I don't envy you if you're still in limbo. Good luck out there. 

  5. @greenchile I hear you. I've been a finalist at almost all the places I applied, but haven't yet been accepted outright. I'm trying to put a positive spin on it as much as possible. But it's a little disheartening for sure. 

    In that vein, Iowa emailed me this morning. I'm a finalist.  They are interviewing people this week. Decision to come next week. 

    I'm excited, but see above, very skeptical of getting in at this point considering how the rest of the process has gone for me. But I'm gonna give it my all. 

    Hunter is not a possibility for me, @newengland

    Too expensive. But amazing faculty. 

  6. @lrb0192 CONGRATS. I feel pretty good about it overall. That program is amazing. And it sounds like they had more applications than they have had in a while. We made it to whatever the top was. It still sucks not to be going some place, but Naomi is a great ally. She's also teaching this summer at Sewanee. So I thought I'd apply for a scholarship there. 

  7. @SeaLou That's great! Congratulations. 

    My update: I'm the alternate at UCSD. I had an interview with Naomi two weeks ago. I thought I was out of the running since I had heard folks had been flown out and I know of one person who had already been offered a spot by the time I talked to Naomi. But she told me that she doesn't fly everyone out for an interview and she doesn't admit on the same timeline. That was surprising, but hey, I'll take it. It's unlikely I'll get in unless the other person who was offered a spot drops, but it's still nice to be considered. And Naomi's email to me was really lovely. 

    Still nothing from Iowa. Anyone know someone there who could tell us what's up? 

  8. That letter from Brown was disappointing considering what people said had happened previous years. 

    My interview at Yale was fun. They said they'd make decisions next week. Ten people are interviewing. Nail biting has commenced. 

    Still waiting to hear from Iowa.

  9. @jamesprongs101

    Hahaha. I'm currently on the longest shuttle ride of my life. I'm gonna be late to the meet and greet which is driving me crazy. 

    If you're down to force some socialization, I'd meet up when you and your buddy get in.  If it's not too late, that is. But no worries either way. 

    Good luck on your interview and exploration! 

  10. @jamesprongs101 Interesting. I would be very disappointed if it was an all male year for selfish reasons as well as political ones. But I just found out one of my male friends is also a candidate interviewing on Friday (perhaps, he overlaps with one of the male candidates you know? What a small world, if so). It would not necessarily be outside the realm of possibility for them to seek a mostly or all male cohort. But, I'm gonna try not to think about that and just hope they are picking based on people and that I might be a type of person they want. I'm stoked they're flying me out. Even if I don't get in, what a way to go. Wine and dine me, Yale. Wine and dine me... I can do all the positions... I'm very, very good. 


    I'm terrified I'm going to say something inappropriate. 


  11. @jamesprongs101 I identify as female. The gender breakdown is definitely noteworthy. Also, there might not be nine candidates flying in. There may be fewer than that. I'll know soon. I take off tomorrow morning. 

    Also - Did everyone have Anne Erbe added to their itinerary? 

    What's your theory? 

  12. @The Walter Before and @jamesprongs101

    I got my schedule yesterday. I'm flying in some time on Wednesday and doing the meet & greet with current students that evening. On Thursday, I interview with Jeanie O'Hare and Jennifer Kiger. And somewhere in there I'm going to have a campus tour and a meeting with a financial aid person. 

    So it sounds like they do it all again on Thursday night? They'll be another meet & greet for folks interviewing on Friday? I'm fascinated. Well, if on Thursday, you happen to see a harried person walking frantically some place, give me the ole Spock's live long and prosper and I'll know it's you. Or, do some really complicated hand signal that involves a whole body squat, just to be doubly sure I saw it. 

    Walter - I'm in the same boat. I don't think I have very much of a chance, but I'm gonna fight like hell to tell them who I am. I mean, they're flying us out without ever having spoken to us. That's kind of awesome... And terrifying. 

    Also - according to google maps, my hotel is really close to something called "Insomnia Cookies." So let's live the dream. 

  13. @jamesprongs101 I think they give out nine. NINE. We are one of nine! On this thread we are three of nine, I guess. 

    I would love to meet in IRL. I haven't gotten my itinerary, yet. Have either of you gotten yours?

    I know my schedule is tight while I'm there because I need to be back in Seattle on Friday morning to go on a writers retreat with some playwriting buddies. So after my interview on Thursday, they're gonna immediately shuttle me off to the airport. But I would love to meet up and be socially awkward together if it works out to do so. 

  14. @The Walter Before There's a post from a couple years ago on here about the Yale interview. I've reviewed it and found it somewhat helpful. I don't remember what year it's from, but if you have trouble finding it, I'll re-post it.

    For the interviews I've had so far I've asked a lot about the culture of the school, typical day questions (usually yields a nice chuckle and a "Well, there is no typical day" which keeps folks talking again about the culture of the school, but also about some of their really exciting rare opportunities), production opportunities, guest speakers/lecturers, etc. The person who recommended me went to Yale years ago under Paula and she's also given me some nice insight. She said to ask about Yale Cabaret. You can find some of it on their website, but it's nice to get the inside perspective. 

    Good luck to everyone! 

  15. My information is only on the schools I applied to (Yale, UTA, Iowa, Brown, and UCSD). But it appears that if you're accepted, you won't hear via snail mail. If you're accepted you will receive a phone call or email. If you're rejected it looks like you could get emailed or snail mailed. Sometimes you're emailed simply with a, "Check your status on our online system." My information is no way comprehensive and is entirely compiled from what people posted to this forum over the years.


    I mean, my friend's spreadsheet. 


    Fine. It's my spreadsheet. I know. It's a shocker. Fooled you all with the ole "my friend" ruse. 

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