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Everything posted by berto

  1. Hi, I am currently a second yea MFA @ UW and searching the forum forum for possible UW students.... The structure at UW is very conceptual. Even the "crafts based programs such wood ceramics and metals are geared towards concept. They boast a interdisciplinary approach but you still have to jump through hoops to gain access th all the shops. Funding is great. A lot of TA, PA and TASS. MOving here from Philly I must say I miss the access to NY and othe "cultural" big museums. But Chicago, Milwaukee and Minneapolis are day trips. Professors are legit. let me know if you have specific questions. Printmaking is stellar, those kids rock. -b
  2. HI! I am currently a second yea MFA student at UW-Madison ( three year program) I have a 2.5 year old son. My wife is amazing and is home with him most days. I will say it is not easy, but it is doable. The university here is enormous. The school has a very large parent organization dedicated to students with kids. They often hold activities for the youngsters for hours, while we can study or whatever. They also have child care scholarships that pay a large part of the childcare costs. Colleges and Universities know that MFA/PHD etc etc happen to be adults that are older and more than likely have or may have a child why they are at University....That being said, I limit the nights I go out and socialize with the younger grads at bars or music venues. Its all about finding the right balance. I dedicate the weekends to my family therefore my week days are brutal. needless to say you don't have time to waste. Studio time is for exactly that, time is precious. And I often miss my little guy after busy work day so I wanna go home. so contact your school and see what programs are available. And my advice, don't deny the fact you have kids, it wont be a deciding factor on their admissions, chances are that it wont even come up.... plus the world needs more artist having kick ass babies with killer names. good luck!!!!
  3. flying out in the wee morning hours tomorrow! TA interview. Im so excited to check the city/studio out. try to plan my life for the next three years!!!
  4. I might be jaded from the Philadelphia scene, but I really have no desire to seek gallery representation. Its pathetic. Let's face I think the idealized notion of some gallery paying you to produce work to sell later on is dated and unrealistic. There are a billion and one artist out there. I threw in the towel and I am find with that. I make work because I have to make work. I am a maker. I make my living through commissions and part time jobs. Not some white room that people don't bother with anymore......just my thoughts on the subject.
  5. Just bought my Flight to Madison for my TA interview. I have soooo much prep work to do for it.... anyone have any advice?
  6. Two years ago when I interviewed at Tyler they told me they usually don't even look at applicants from Philadelphia. I chuckled at that for a while. It made no sense to me AT ALL. we all need to keep in mind that these "ART STAR" professors are only humans. sometimes the last thing they want to do is look at another god damn piece of crap art. Trust me I work with them everyday, they spill their guts over beers at the the end of semester!
  7. Hi. Email and grad app site. Damn rat bastards
  8. Wisconsin is my top right now. I am excited to spend the next three years at a major research University! Are you flying out or doing a skype interview?
  9. wow. what a day... rejected from University of Washington.sad Accepted to Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design. Full Tuition Waiver.Happy! Asked to interview for a TA at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Giddy!
  10. I am excited for UW Madison.. but the waiting to hear about funding plus the waitlist from UO and Cornell is putting me in a frenzy.
  11. waitlist for University of Oregon.... where is that damn wine bottle!!
  12. I just got a email today. I have been put on the waitlist......major boo Oh Cornell, we would have had a blast.
  13. Sculpture. whoop whoop
  14. cool! they seemed super nice right?
  15. I just finished up an interview with University of Oregon. overall I feel good about how it went. I was on speaker phone and had a hard time hearing them. Simple questions. also I was a little preoccupied by the pain from slicing open my finger from a new chisel this morning. Thank god i didnt cut any nerves or tendons. getting the stiches was the most painful part. oieeeeeee.
  16. good luck with the interview.....the collob program seems really great but the price tag is outrageous. did your friend recieve a good funding package??
  17. Got the email requesting a phone conversation (interview) from The University of Oregon this morning. (sculpture) scheduled for next week. I. AM.BEYOND.EXCITED! for thos waiting for UW sculpture, they told me espect notifications first two weeks in March.
  18. I applied for the collob mfa with OCAC -Applied Art and Craft etc etc etc. They said usually around 6 weeks after the deadline they let aplicants know their decesion.
  19. congrats to all who have been accepted and asked to interview. I'm getting my info together for TA's, RA's and PA's...Its making me crazy because if I don't get awarded anything, there is no way I'm going this year. I'm already having a difficult time saving to cover housing for a year + moving cost ugh any one out there in same boat. any penny saving advice? anyone else trying to steer clear of loans?
  20. Congrats. My concentration will be in the Wood Department but asked for Aris to be on my comittee. yay cheese heads!
  21. Thank you! haha no scary students! I did speak with the head of the department on the phone last week, but it was sooooo informal and quick, I did'nt want to think that it was a done deal. I'm so excited....
  22. just got the email... Accepted to University of Wisconsin-Madison! WOOOO! WOOO!
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