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Everything posted by kobe36

  1. rejected from hunter today via postal mail ...kind of already knew when I didn't get an request for an interview but still disappointed. 5 more schools to go and start reapplying plans for next year
  2. agree with everyone else. I would definitely take the dream school. At least u will be happy paying your debt, than be miserable and always wondering what if??
  3. kobe36


    i have four tattoos: back of my neck, shoulder blade, back, and stomach. Fortunately I can hide most of them except the one on the back of my neck, which you can see if i tied my hair up. But I work in non profit which at my current job, I probably have less tattoos than half of the people here (including my director!!) . I want to get another one on my wrist and am not too worried about having to cover it up except maybe when I do job interviews and then I will be wearing a blazer anyway. I think in my line of work, it is more acceptable to have tattoos than if say you work in a law firm. So I think its really important in which type of work you do. Definitely if I work in a law firm I would not have gotten one on the back of my neck because I would never be able to tie my hair up. The only negative experience I have (thus far) is when I have to cover it up for my sister's wedding (she didn't want me to show my tats at her wedding, understandable, it is her day after all) and I have to put on this coverup that ended up smearing all over the shawl I was wearing. yuck but I think thats it. Tattoos are so much more acceptable nowadays that I don't think its a big deal if you have some when you look for a job imo.
  4. now does that applied to Phd programs or master's as well?? because I have noticed that one of the schools I have applied to has accepted a bunch of people already but for some reason I just got an email today that says they are sending my app to the admission committee today although I turned in the app more than a month ago. I wonder what was the hold up, maybe they already reviewed most of the apps and have accepted enough people already??
  5. wow sounds like their application process is confusing. I am wondering why they changed their application deadline if they got more than enough applicants. Good luck to everyone who applied !! although i must admit that April 30th seems a bit late for notification
  6. congratulation morad123 !! i have not heard anything from hunter. if we don't get an interview, do u know if that means we are automatically rejected?? if it helps, I read on hunter's website that the interview will be a "group discussion" . When is the group interview?? Good luck !!
  7. thanks modernity. its always nice to have someone who's been there and understands. thanks for the encouragement.
  8. IF I get admitted this year, I would probably give my work a month's notice so they can find my replacement. I work for a non profit and actually our grant is up in June and if we don't get the grant this year, that means I'll get laid off and then i won't have to worry about quitting . But again IF i get in, I would quit probably july 1st since most of school starts in late aug. I would need time to prepare moving and have a little vacation before I commit myself for the next two years.
  9. Hi Morad123: I also applied to NYU, Hunter and Fordham. Have you heard anything from those three schools??? I am so anxious because I haven't heard anything from them other than confirmation of receiving my application.
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