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Everything posted by kobe36

  1. wow glad to see this thread was revived. being on the gradcafe forum and looking at the result page definitely makes me feel that I am competing with a whole lot of 4.0 gpa-1600 gre-10 publications etc robots in here. LOL. no offense if you are one of them. it is just nice to know that there are other people like me who just screwed up in their undergrad (because they are young or for whatever reason) and are now seeking another chance to further their education. My own stats is probably worse than most of you in here as well: seeking a Masters in Social Work, 2.32 in UG total, came from a state school, good LORs (i am pretty positive), a good PS (also I hope), 3 years of case management experience (hope this helps make up for part of my GPA) applied to "good" schools and state schools, really just aiming all over the board for a chance somewhere. I would be so happy if any one of them accepts me for the fall semester. But I am ready for all across the board rejection and is ready to try again next year after taking some class in the upcoming semster. I don't think that having a below than average GPA is the ONLY thing that grad school looks for, yes I admit that its an important part of your application, but I think (and this is true especially for social work) that they really look for experience in the field and less emphasis on your grades and since most grad school don't ask for test scores, I think that they really place the value of your work experience and personal statement first and foremost. at least thats what I have been telling myself.
  2. my plans are a little different... i guess because i am probably one of the few that is going to get my master's in social work ... I am hoping to get in this year (fingers crossed), get my license in LCSW, find a job as a therapist for juveniles, work for a couple of years, gain tons of experience and open up my own center for juveniles... yes ?? no ?? actually this has been my plan for couple of years already, but I just recently set it into motion by applying for grad school...
  3. @cupojoe congrats !!! and yes the silence is killing me slowly..... i wish they would reject me already ... @terrim $2000??? thats so little ... i mean that barely covers your book... has your other school offered u funding yet ?? maybe u can call university of pittsburg and see if they will up the money ??
  4. @nessadub congratulations !!!
  5. My top choice would be any of the schools that accepts me... although i really want to go to any of the 3 schools in ny but mostly hunter and nyu (and loyola, but they rejected me already so they are no longer my top choice )
  6. thanks ... i think i am going to hold off on calling the school then. it seems like the general opinions of the board is that most of the time they will give u a generic answer so it seems like it wont even be worth the trouble calling.
  7. here is a question for all you fellow applicants: after u get rejected, is it okay/appropriate to call the school you got rejected from to see why and what ways to improve your applications for next year??. I am tempted to call loyola to see what went wrong with my apps but don't know if they will tell me ??
  8. LOL thats exactly what I am doing too.
  9. I am currently obsessing with this site and also checking the school's website (the one that I applied to) over and over and over and over again. oh also checking the results search page every 5 minutes to see if anyone from any of the programs I applied to have had response yet. I should be working but I can't seem to concentrate so i am just sitting at my desk looking at the clock until I can get home and check my mail. It is nice to know that I am not the only one agonizing over the results and nice to know that we can all be miserable/anxious together !!
  10. I agree about not wanting to go into debt for a social work degree because we all know how much we will be making when we get out ... So I have been sitting at home last night (with my cheesecake and watching american idol (seriously that show always makes me feel better, i mean, watching these people think they can sing on national tv is the best cure ever !! ) and going through my application to loyola over and over and over again and I think here is my problem: -low GPA -ok personal statement -lor might have been a big problem (I had two from former supervisor and one from my coworker) I have been out of undergrad for 3 years already and could not for the life of me conjured up a single professor to help me -turned in my application late ??? -oh, also, probably my biggest mistake, I actually worked 2 years at a nonprofit when I was in college but didn't put down that as work experience because I was an admin assistant and didnt think that would have been relevant as a social worker (i totally regret it now because that would have boost my work experience from 3 years to 5 ... hrmphhhh) I should really stop thinking about it and just move on, i know i know. @annie a I guess I can always take some classes at my local state school, I don't really want to go there but will if thats the only place that will accept me
  11. my bf and I have been together for 4 years already (approaching 5 in aug, yeshhh) and we are both in our late 20's. he is still working on his undergrad (i know) but he should be finishing up this year and after that, he is hoping to get his MBA. As far as our plans, he has always told me that I should go to the best school that accepts me and he says that whatever happens happens. he doesn't really believe in long distance relationship because he thinks it is too hard but we did talk about that if and when he applies for his mba next year, that he will apply to a school near me (granted I get into somewhere) and so it would really only be a year, maybe 2 years apart at most. We are at that stage where we are serious about our relationship (after 4 years, you would think we are ) and are thinking about the future. I am hoping if I move, he would eventually follow me and vice versa. If not, I guess whatever happens, happens.
  12. I am also expecting to get rejected across the board. But looking on the bright side, I guess this is only my first time applying so now I have more experience and will be able to work on my apps and make it a lot better although I was really looking forward to start in the fall. My plan B is if I really don't get in anyway, is to crawl into a hole for a month, cry, eat ice cream, come out and start looking for a new job. I already have a full time job but there is nowhere to move up here and I think that I really need to find a better lead position and that would really boost up my apps. Also I would take some classes at the local community college, probably in social work and spanish (i have been wanting to take some spanish class forever now because I think it is really beneficial as a social worker to know Spanish. I already know Chinese so if I learn Spanish, I would be trilingual and that should really boost me up whether I am looking for a new job or reapply for next year) and try again next year. Good luck to everyone and hope that no one has to use their plan B !!
  13. @terrim no, you shouldn't feel bad about posting your acceptance. you work hard for them and I (and I am sure everyone else) are happy to share in your good news. Have you decided which program/school are you going to ?? or are u still waiting for funding to come through?? @annie a I am currently working as a family case manager at a non profit working with low income families. I have been working in this particular job for three years already so I guess I do have some experience in the field. Thank you for your encouragement too. I think what is killing my apps is my (exceptionally) low gpa (<2.5) What advice do you both have for someone like me ?? I talked to a couple of admission coordinator who says that basically taking classes after earning your bachelor's will not help increase your GPA. is this true?? If thats the case, how else can I improve my apps for next year ??
  14. thank you, TerriM, for your kind words. I know there are still many schools left on my list but it seems like once you get hit with one rejection letter, the rest are not far away. Btw, I totally forgot to congratulate on your admissions. It must be wonderful to have received all those acceptance letter . Do you mind telling me your stats??? I am sure its a lot higher than mine but I just wanted to see who my competition is and to nessadub: good luck to you too !!! it is nice to know that there is someone who is as nervous as me in this whole month and probably more. I hope you get into the school you want. Update us on your progress, regardless if they are good and bad.
  15. aww i just got a letter from WashU regretting that they cannot offer me admission... ... sigh...i am getting ready to restart my apps again....maybe better luck next year
  16. awww i just got my first rejection letter too from Loyola U - Chicago...that was one of the school I really wanted to go to too.... ... so sad ... i think I am gonna go drown myself in food now.... :(
  17. has anyone heard from any other schools ?? the silence is killing me .... and I am trying to see if anyone else got in already to the schools I applied to. My 1st choice would be WashU and Loyola University but has not heard anything from them and I turned in my apps for Loyola on 1/12 and WashU 1/26. loyola have rolling admission so my guess is that they will review my application as soon as they received everything adn they sent me a confirmation email that my package was complete on 1/26. I know I know that was just last week but I am so anxious to hear. Has everyone heard from any of the school ?? I just want them to reject me already so I can move on with my life and stop obsessing with the results.
  18. i was hoping that being out of state would help me actually as I am currently living in california but want to move to ny for school. also does anyone know if the in state vs out state only applies to public school?? would it be the same rules for private school? or would they not care?? @Pamphilia LOL at the "insane residents" part, I caught myself doing that just now ....
  19. you are never too old to go back to school !! ... I am around the same age as you (27) and really never thought I needed to go back to school after my undergrad until I start working in the "real world" and realized that crap, I need a higher degree to do what I really want to do. Also, my sister who is 33 is also in school getting her MBA so i don't think you can ever be too old to learn. I think as far as your work history, you can definitely explain that in your personal statement. I did that as well, i explained how being older and having more work experience motivate me more than if I had directly applied to graduate school right out of college. and I do truly believe that I had time to mature and learn the motivation/determination needed to succeed in graduate school.
  20. i applied to Hunter College CUNY but there wasn't a requirement to mail a signature page. They allowed me to signed it electronically. Did they say if all materials have to arrive by today or postmarked by today ?? Most of the grad schools that I have dealt with says that as long as the package was postmarked by the deadline, they are ok. Also, from my experience, they also told me that as long as the majority of my materials are in, they are fine if one or two articles of items are late. Again, that is just from my experience.
  21. ditto on "empire state of mind" if i get into any of the NY schools I applied to.....
  22. my way of thinking is because you are out of state, your tuition is higher and therefore the university will get more money and are more likely to accept you. Maybe this only applies to undergraduate where they don't get fellowship/assistantship??
  23. totally pessimistic. I am already preparing to reapply next year. I know that is not a good way to approach this whole process but with my stats, I am not hopeful at all. If I get accepted to any of the schools I applied to, I will be a happy camper. but I am expecting an across the board rejection. Sigh, oh wells, like they say "if you don't succeed, try again"
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