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Everything posted by RedPotato

  1. Check out OldNavy.com and LuckyBrandJeans.com which is pricey but good quality if you want to splurge on something.
  2. Usually, Its the same letter with minor tweeks. And, its part of their job, you do pay their salaries, you know!
  3. Check out the humanities threads... there are art history and museum studies topics over there.
  4. Oh, and DONT go to parsons no matter what!!!!!!!!! THEY JUST FIRED MOST OF THEIR FINE ARTS DEPT!
  5. To be honest, I don't know much about the individual programs, but I do know that they all have galleries and around this time of the year are exhibiting student work. I would suggest you check them out. Also, I know many FIT professors personally, and they have all been very helpful to me in the past, when I have asked for assistance with my undergraduate education. (Not that helpfulness is indicative of skill though... but just my 2 cents.)
  6. I'd be nervous to contact potential advisors too, but to follow up on this: Professors are people too. They were once your age. They do normal things... like buying food at the grocery store, and even going to the bathroom :wink: Be poilte, and dont start with "Hey, waz up, dude?" But remember, they are people too.
  7. Thank you everyone! This was so helpful. If anyone else would like to share their 2 cents, that would be appreciated as well.
  8. Thanks for your confidence. I am kinda confident - Im an out going and persistent person too, so I think that goes a long way showing initiative. To articulate more though, what makes me nervous, is that I don't really have a specific focus. I like modern/contemporary art (except performance pieces) and I KNOW I want to work in a museum, but I'm torn on Art History GS or Museum studies with a focus on Art history. Also, I think one of the questions asked about was tier 2 (or 3) schools and I was wondering if we could all collaborate on a list. If Harvard/Yale/Princeton is tier 1, what is tier 2? 3? Where do places like Tufts and Ubuffalo fall?
  9. You think you are nervous? I'm scared. I'm going to also be applying for fall 2010, straight from undergrad. I want to go directly from undergrad into a PhD program, but against everyone with a masters, I have no idea what will happen. I have 2 internships at well-known-in-the-museum-world museums and a double major of studio art and art history, but the masters people, make me go oh noes! :shock:
  10. I want to take my GREs in the fall, and need to figure out the best way to prep. I can find enough money to take a class, but i don't know if its worth it. I also know there are books. So what worked for you? What didn't? And Why?
  11. I know Rochester. Its cold, but its not that bad. If that is your only complaint, its not a reason not to go there. Maybe even as cold as boston....
  12. Some schools have customized degrees for people who are in "non traditional" situations. (Non traditional being anything not graduating at 21-ish) That way, you could get the skills you need, without taking intro to writing at the freshman-level. I don't know much about programing.... so its just a thought. good luck.
  13. Would anyone please explain to me what culture programs are, and visual studies? And if they relate to art history? Esp. the UofR program. Thanks!
  14. Theres another thread, about thanking the people who wrote your LORs, in the application section of the forum: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14618
  15. Im sorry to hear about your predicament, and I hope at some point your determination pays off. I actually think that more important than acceptances is the fact that you have a family, and soon to come a beautiful baby who will love his/her mommy either way. That said, did you apply to schools that are top of the top? Harvard-Yale-Princeton seem difficult for anyone. This leads me to a question about this forum in general, which may in turn help you. Why don't people people apply to places like Tyler, Stonybrook, Binghamton, SAIC, Williams and Boston U to name a few?
  16. I read this article, the day it was published. And I think its a terrible representation of students. It makes all us undergrads look like little entitled jerks. The universities tell us the grades dont matter, but if they didnt, why do we get grades? why do the schools have deans lists? and why are the scholarships provided by my school dependent on grades? I work my hardest for my grades, and I study more than most people.... I deserve those As and Bs I get, because I work hard, and that makes me good at what I study. But dont pretend that we want the grades to inflate our egos, we do it because we need those scholarships to stay at the school. /rant.
  17. RedPotato

    New York, NY

    New Yorkers are not mean, per say... they just really like efficiency. Extra conversation is unnecessary, but if you have a question, ie, you are lost, people will be more than happy to answer. (Recently, an elderly non-english speaking woman at a crosswalk, pulled my arm and pointed across the icy crosswalk.... Its not as though I shoved her and kept walking, i helped, and smiled.)
  18. mm_donuts, congrats!!! If you don't mind my asking, what do you consider "not-so-great" GRE scores?
  19. Sydney, You are one very helpful person! I took your advise and when I went to ask my prof for a recommendation, I asked if he knew anywhere else to apply (hint hint, connections, please) and sure enough he emailed someone he knows who replied that I should get in touch with them. I'd rather work at a major museum, so I'm going to submit a few more apps, but this is a great lead for me. :wink:
  20. Admittedly this information isnt too reliable but according to a friend of mine, either SAIC or UChicago sent out their first set of rejection letters this week. Just thought I would share my knowledge of decisions. (Said friend did not get in :cry: )
  21. Yes, and I work there - but its not much of a learning experience, in the way its run. I'm looking more for summer positions, i applied to the met, moma, guggenheim, and will submit the whitney application very soon, but I have my doubts about those. My profs are nice people, but have few, if any connections in nyc - even though my university isnt that far away. thats why i posted on this forum, thinking maybe someone had a wonderful opportunity at a little known place.
  22. I'm an undergrad with another question... the last time I asked one (a few days ago) people seemed so helpful, so I hope someone will answer this as well, even though its indirectly a grad school question. I know undergrads are supposed to do internships and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions about places in NYC. I know the obvious ones, like the met and moma (duh) but the chances of getting them are very low. Are there other museums that are "easier" to get? :shock:
  23. RedPotato

    Rochester, NY

    Try looking into the suburbs, which are about 15 minutes out of the city - Henrietta, Brighton and Pittsford (bit more money) or housing developments such as Riverton Knolls. The whole area is filled with students from places like RIT, UR, St.JF, Naz and the Sunys. Which schools are you looking at? ps - weather isnt too bad, i think. its cold, it snows. If the school you are looking at is great for everything but the weather, suck it up. there are thousands of people who live here, and manage.
  24. My university has two departments of art history - one in the school on liberal art and the other in the school of art - but there is no major. Odd, I know. That is why I am doing the diploma, which is entirely customizable in any field, so I am using classes in both AH depts as well some classes in other depts such as the philosophy dept.'s philosophy of aesthetics class. Doing an honors thesis would work more like an independent study, but its probably a great idea. Is that what I would submit as a writing sample?
  25. Hello. I am a junior in college and am planning to apply to graduate school next year. I will graduate with a BFA in illustration and a diploma (more than a major, less than a minor) in Art History. My gpa is about a 3.5 and I would really love to go to one of the top school for graduate studies in art history. I wanted to know if there is anything you wished you knew last year, that you could tell me, please. Thanks. (and congrats to whomever had a baby)
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