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Everything posted by darjeelingtea16
I second everything everyone else has said. Practicing is key--for Verbal, I found this intellivocab app for my iPhone particularly helpful (I think there's a Kaplan one as well). Intellivocab has flashcard sort of things, but also quizzes (all on your phone). If it makes you feel remotely better, I've taken this godawful exam 3 times. 1st time: 540V, 390Q (old GRE) 2nd time: 590V, 450Q (old GRE) 3rd time (last week!): 690-790V, 550-650Q (revised GRE) It's a pain to have to, but sometimes it really does help to take it again after you kind of already know what to expect. Also, I can't imagine it would hurt you if you take it again and improve your scores. I think it'd look pretty good actually!
Contacting DGS
darjeelingtea16 replied to Jbarks's topic in Literature, and Rhetoric and Composition
I agree with harpyemma. I would go with the second one unless you need that introduction. For example, I've been contacting DGS's from various universities' Comp Lit and English programs and have had to provide that introduction because I'm trying to figure out which type of department my work would fit better in (in my case, it's a little difficult to determine without contacting someone in the department). Anyway, I'd go with the I plan to apply, I'm working on app materials, and I have a few questions concerning x, y, and z format. -
There's some really amazing work out there that applies poco to med lit. I want to get in on it! I haven't checked out Indiana yet. Karma Lochrie has some pretty interesting work (and, as an aside, I think the last staff photo I saw of her was of her on a riding lawnmower and wearing sunglasses lol), and I haven't read any of Ingham's work. I'll have to look into it. I'm definitely interested in medieval literature in translation (particularly in SE Asia), but I'm also hoping to connect it to more contemporary literature in translation. That might not make very much sense, but it will eventually. Maybe. Hopefully. Anywho, thanks for the suggestion!
I'm also concerned about distance. I will be focusing on mostly SE Asian postcolonial lit, so the distance thing could go either way in terms of being beneficial or detrimental, as it's pretty much halfway between SE Asia and mainland USA. I still haven't decided whether that's good or bad. And yeah, the website is really dated, which is part of what inspired me to ask about the department's reputation. I've emailed a couple people in the department asking some questions about placement data, as well as the general environment in English department, student and department conference participation info, etc. We'll see what they say, but just looking at their dated site and not having heard much about their department, I'm starting to lean towards perhaps not applying there. Kinda unfortunate 'cause I mean, who wouldn't want to live in Hawaii for 5 years?! But of course location isn't everything, and is certainly not the most important factor in making these decisions.
Yeah, I tried looking into the placement data, but I was having some trouble finding it. I think I'll have to go ahead and ask them about it directly, which I hope doesn't look bad. I don't know why asking that would look bad, but given my recent experience with applying, I might be over-thinking everything now. I was just wondering if anyone heard good things about them. I have seriously not heard anything about them and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing and I'm trying to figure that out before I try to apply later.
I struck out this time around, but am trying again for next year. I'm compiling a list of possible schools and supervisors, and the University of Hawaii-Manoa has some interesting POCO people, but I haven't really heard anything about the reputation of the English Department at UH. Does anyone know if their English department has good standing? I guess I'm a bit concerned because I've heard some terrible things about parts of Hawaii's public school system. I know that universities can do really well despite what's going on with the public school system, but if anyone has any info about the department's reputation specifically, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I had considered Cohen, but I think maybe his work doesn't quite fit my intended research. That's good to know about Radhakrishnan! I always get nervous contacting people so it's nice to hear he's down to earth. I'm gonna see if I can read a few of his publications before I start an email conversation with him.
tumtumtrees, I kind of knew that Spivak and Bhaba don't take on students, but I thought it might be good to be in the same department as them, so that maybe I'd have better access to them. I dunno. And you're definitely right, that there are postcolonialists in every department. I have some very specific research in mind (got my so-far untranslated texts all lined up, potential ways of looking at them, etc) that I hope to find a supervisor for somewhere. *crosses fingers lolopixie, thanks for the suggestions! tortola23, that's certainly good advice! I think I made the same mistake you made last year, this time around. I picked schools that I liked and didn't do nearly as much research as I should have about potential fit, as I was kind of unsure about where my proposed research could go. This next time around, I'll have some more time to prepare, and more time to get in contact with people, and really, really do some research about programs. And I'm totally down with going to not-as-"prestigious" schools. As long as I get to do a funded PhD with someone who could supervise my work, I will be happy. ZeeMore21, thanks for this suggestion too! I originally looked at Pittsburgh, and I can't remember why I ultimately decided not to apply...hmm...well, I'll definitely look into it again! fall-11, NYU was another school I applied to this time, but which I haven't heard from. I'm assuming that means a rejection at this point, but I might try to apply again next year
truckbasket, I didn't apply to UC-Irvine this time (mostly applied to schools in NYC), so I'll definitely look into that. R. Radhakrishnan looks like a possible supervisor. This is actually a problem I've been having -- finding someone who could supervise me. Of course, I was focusing mostly on medievalists so that might have something to do with it :/ Thanks for the suggestion! ZeeMore21, I'll look into Emory as well. Thanks! I applied to Columbia, because of Spivak and a number of other cool people, but unfortunately I was just rejected today (urg). I might look at it again for next year, but I'm not sure yet.
I've applied to 5 schools this year (my first crack at applying for PhD programs and I probably aimed way too high), and I don't think I got into any of them. I know this partly from actual rejection letters and partly from being realistic. But I'm going to try and remain optimistic about applying next year. I plan on expanding my school choices, and applying to about 10 programs instead. I am still applying to WashU and Cornell, but I'm tweaking my focus a bit. I originally applied to schools with solid medieval programs (my MA is in medieval literature), but realized that my intended research involves postcolonial responses to medieval literature, instead of med lit proper, if that makes any sense. I know I have to go do the research myself in terms of specific people I want to work with, etc, but I was wondering if anyone could help me start by suggesting what schools have English departments that are strong in postcolonial literature (particularly caribbean and/or southeast asian)? I'm familiar with schools strong in medieval literature, but am so woefully ignorant as to which schools are strong in postcolonial lit. Any help would be very, very appreciated. Thanks ahead of time!
I'm kinda confused now...there's an acceptance via email on the message board. So are they emailing or posting notifications to us?
This whole ordeal is really trying my patience and optimism, so I definitely understand your pessimism. I kept wanting to call yesterday, even though they tell you not to call. I didn't call, because I don't want to be *that* person, but I just wanna know, ya know? As for your question, last year it looks like rejections came early March.
Oh dear. I'm on EST and still no news. I think I should brace myself for an inevitable rejection or waitlist. Poo.
First of all, congrats!! This might be a silly question, but what time was your email sent? I've been anxiously checking my email the past few hours and I'm thinking their offices should be closing soon. Looks like last year, the majority of the acceptances on the results board came on the same day....Also, do you know how many they've accepted by chance?
Looks like someone else got a call yesterday though. Maybe still a bit of hope? Maybe?
Nah, his tongue isn't dark colored--it's pretty pink. We got him from a woman who didn't know much about him but who thought he was a pug/pom mix as well, but we've seen other pug/poms and they don't look quite like him. However, some of the Pekingese/pom mixes look more like him so we've kind of just gone with that...sometimes we think he might be part chihuahua too, but really, no idea haha
Aww I love this thread! This is Buddha, aka the Chaquito Puppito, Buddha-Pest, Povre Bete, and/or Comrade Budka. We have no idea what the hell kind of mix he is, but I think he's pretty adorable. And because he's pretty cute when he sleeps.... He gets all irked when I'm on the computer too long and attacks me.
Congrats, RosemaryJuniper! Hmm, the news about medievalists is a bit troubling. I mean, I'm sort of a medievalist (got my MA in Medieval Lit) but my proposed research is medieval and early 19th century postcolonial lit in the Philippines, with more of a focus on the early 19th century...I think... Anyway, at least it's good to know there's a decent sized waitlist. There's hope yet!
I saw that too, and I'm in hardcore panic mode. First of all, congrats to the two that I've seen who got in (the internal candidate, and the person who got a phone call from their POI)! Side question: Are either of you medievalists? But I keep thinking, WHEN WILL MY TIME COME? In some weird way though, I'm kind of glad to know when to expect the results. However, I'm wondering how many people they accepted, what their areas of focus are, etc. Anyway, here's hoping for good news for both of us! I'm going out of my freaking mind waiting, and Fordham is one of my top choices. Arrrrrghhhh [insert expletive deleted explosion here]
Looks like there's a "report spam" option now.
So far, that seems to be the case with me. I know someone who just got rejected from somewhere, and that's the only school she's heard from so far. I haven't heard from any, but I went through the results search and looked up all the schools I applied for, plus the degree I applied for--can you say obsessed?!--and mapped out about when I should hear from the schools, based on results from last year and the year before. And when i say hear back from them, I mean acceptances. Looks like if I hear back from anyone besides Columbia in March, then I'm pretty much screwed. So yeah, so far, no news is pretty good. Means I haven't been rejected (yet)!
Coping with Waiting. Last night, I had a nightmare.
darjeelingtea16 replied to Waves's topic in Waiting it Out
I had a dream that I got accepted into a couple schools, and the one I chose to go to told me they were going to pay for my flight and everything to come a couple days before the start of the term. I get there, and there's a reception for all the new PhD students, and I'm all excited but then I start noticing that everyone is looking at me funny. Then the head of the department comes up to me and asks who I am, and I tell him, and he says "oh my gosh, I am so sorry. You must've got an acceptance letter by accident. Please go home immediately." HORRIFYING. At the risk of sounding like a weirdo, has anyone else been sleepwalking? I woke up the other day in front of the front door to my apartment (still inside the apartment though), sleeping on top of shoes. No idea why I was there. God I must be stressed. This is not good. -
I'm in a similar boat. I'm an English major also -- just finished my MA at York. I also applied for a PhD in English, to five schools (which I'm now in a panic about because I'm wondering if that's too small a number). My plan B is to do a 1 yr teaching certification program and try for the PhD again next year. By the time I apply again, I'll be certified to teach high school and so if I don't get in again, I could go be a high school English teacher. Though I will say that while I don't have any beef with going through with plan B, I REALLY WANT TO GET INTO A PHD PROGRAM.