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Everything posted by laurissimo

  1. For anyone else waiting on UPenn: the school is way behind on sending out official decisions. I was able to get my decision via phone from the very nice grad coordinator. Good luck and congrats to those who got in!
  2. I can't believe other people on this thread went to BARFAA! It was a super nice, laid-back conference. Kudos on the calcaneus project, ajg! I was there with a poster on cranial change in medieval London. I highly recommend going to BARFAA because it is a great stepping stone into the bigger conferences. As for what to wear: I saw a TON of people wearing jeans at AAPA last year, so you certainly wouldn't be out of place. But I agree with everyone on this thread- go for nicer pants and a blouse with cardigan. Jeans seemed to be mostly worn at the welcoming party and on the last day... I'd say skirt, but I have no idea what kind of weather to expect in Calgary in April
  3. Broke down and emailed them earlier today. I'll update when I get a response!
  4. Has anyone gotten a rejection from UPenn yet? I saw they sent out a couple of acceptances, but haven't seen any other info floating around.
  5. Lacking- I'm in a similar boat. Nothing from Penn State or UPenn for me yet... :\
  6. Me neither! Hang in there... we can do this. I hope. PS- To whomever emailed UPenn: you're fantastic! Thank you!
  7. Not here. Also no news from Ohio State, Tennessee, or Penn State...
  8. Ahhh! Now I'm super nervous! Hopefully good news is coming for both of us soon!
  9. Nothing here...
  10. Amen! Thesis is due tomorrow, still have half of a lit review left to write....but what am I doing? Obsessively checking my apps and GradCafe.
  11. Honestly, I would be ridiculously happy to work with anyone in the department. Specifically, I applied to work with Drs. Milner and Richtsmeier... but there are several more I'd love to do research with
  12. Aie aie aie. I also had a Skype interview recently. Have NO idea what kind of impression I left- it was, to put it bluntly, a weird experience. I'm not a video chatter by nature, so staying natural was my biggest concern. As far as clothes: I wore a blouse and jeans. Professional, but on my grad-school-budget level. My interviewers really wanted to know why I wanted to go to that particular school, what kinds of research I was interested in, and WHY I was interested in that research. The last question really got me, because... well, I just like it. So: make sure you have answers to the "why" questions. Also, if you can set up your computer in a place that gets full natural light, do it. The natural light looked so much better on screen than harsh university lights
  13. When I heard from them about 2 weeks ago, they said they were doing interviews only during the following week. So it seems like they might be over. But I know of a few people who were admitted with no interview in the past, so don't get discouraged!
  14. If anyone is as easily amused as I am, here's a game that you can spend waste some time on while waiting to hear from schools.... http://www.catlateraldamage.com/play There's just something about knocking stuff over and wreaking havoc that is soooo therapeutic.
  15. Nothing here either. Do we know if they interview for all subfields?
  16. Gotcha. So probably the Tweetmail gentleman heard straight from a PI. GAHHHHHHHHH
  17. Also anxiously awaiting word from OSU- no decisions on the appstatus page yet. If the timing holds true from past years, it should be mid-Feb. If they're running early, it could be any time in the next couple weeks
  18. I had the same issue! I emailed them and they told me that my app was complete and not to worry. That's probably what happened to yours, too... Poorly worded status websites are baaaad for the mental health of applicants
  19. No news from any of my schools yet... I'm hoping to hear back from at least one of them by the end of this month. Although that's highly unlikely A lady can dream!
  20. Fall 2014 nail-biting has commenced! It's my 3rd time applying, but 1st time applying with a post-grad degree (hopefully) in hand. I'm at NCSU for bioarchaeology now, and am applying to 5 places for a PhD in physical anthropology: OSU, PSU, UPenn, UTK, and UNC. Fingers crossed for everyone!
  21. Finally put my notice in and last day is June 29th. Cannot wait. Mimosas every morning to celebrate!
  22. I just signed an individual lease in a 3-br/3-ba place. The cool thing is that the people at the office understood my needs as a grad student, and already have potential roommates in mind for me (other grad students who also signed leases). I know individual leases are a more undergrad type thing, but if you don't have the cash, you just don't have the cash. I'm saving $4000-5000/year at LEAST by living with other people. $470/month, all-inclusive vs the alternative. And if I hate it, I'll move out second year. But agreed, it is a great way to meet people in a new city!
  23. PhD programs are extraordinarily competitive, but in a different was than psych. I think if you polled folks, a vast majority of anthropology students (in any subfield) have to go through the MA program first, before being accepted to a PhD. Because a lot of anthro PhD programs are fully funded, competition is RIDICULOUS and you're up against people who have both a MA and 5-10 years experience. The trick is to really find out what your girlfriend is interested in, hone it, and apply to the schools with POI who are interested in that same thing. And I definitely second what everyone else is saying- do fieldwork, do papers, go to conferences. I didn't have a chance to do the latter two, but did a good bit of fieldwork during the summers of my UG work. Also with cultural anthro- it's a lot of theory and studying specific cultures, so really the only application is in academia. The other subfields- linguistics, bioanth, and archaeology- have more "real-world" applications and much easier to intern/work for. As far as numbers go, from what I've heard from my admission boards, anything over 1200 on the GRE is pretty good (great for MA; good/ok for PhD). 3.5 GPA is standard; obviously the higher, the better. As far as research experience... most programs I looked at only required a field school (for archaeology), but otherwise didn't require research. It will definitely put you on a different level than other applicants, though.
  24. Hey! So, most likely you'd need to apply to an anthropology graduate program that has a sub-field in archaeology. Specifically, though, grad schools (in my experience) look for extensive coursework (in both anthropology and archaeology), a field school, and/or real digging/lab experience. If your UG school has a certificate in archaeology, I'd recommend trying to go for that! I don't think it would be impossible for you to get into grad school with a polisci degree, but you would need extensive work with archaeology as well. Another option would be double-majoring; that would be super interesting and applicable because so much of archaeology is impacted by politics. Good luck!
  25. I will be too! Masters in Bioarchaeology. I'm going up this weekend for a visit!
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