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Posts posted by mckenna81

  1. 14 minutes ago, ibette said:



    Also, I just noticed someone from my Uni also applied to Ireland. ((HUGS))

    Thanks. This was for Canada.

    It was a scholar award, though, so if anyone is waiting for a student/ETA award, this probably is a separate notification process.

  2. 33 minutes ago, limones said:

    Thank you! I wish you the same! I'm just ready for the wait to be over so I can plan out my life one way or another! Hopefully this week :)

    Oh man, don't I know it. My kid's school made everyone fill out registration forms to let them know if the students would be returning next year or not (so they can put classes together) and I had to say I didn't know where we'd be living. I felt like such a deadbeat!

  3. 58 minutes ago, limones said:

    I'm Mexico research and didn't hear anything yesterday...maybe we got April Fooled?

    Wow, that would be a dick move. I hope that's not the case (and that you hear soon! I'm Western Hemisphere also). 

  4. 1 hour ago, artlesspredilection said:

    It seems, based on the google spreadsheet, that some countries have been notifying through the weekend? 

    Wow - Mexico, Norway ETA, Oman, Serbia, and Singapore. How is it possible that all these countries notified yesterday and no one here has mentioned anything? 

  5. 21 hours ago, Dash123 said:

    I'm totally fine with all the application work; it's the references that I hate. It's so embarrassing for me to ask for favors especially as I get further away from college and fuzzier in the minds of people writing me recs. 

    There are two things to know that maybe (hopefully?) will make you feel at least moderately better about letters of rec:

    1. Professors do genuinely view this as part of their job. This is not a favor they are doing for you - this is part of what they are being paid for. I'm an instructor, not a tenure track professor, and even I view writing letters of rec as part of my job. It's never a burden. In fact, I had one student ask me for a letter with a one day turn-around because he just found out about a scholarship, and I got it done. It's karma for all the letters we've had written for us.

    2. I assure you that your writers are not writing new letters every time. They are pulling up the file from the last time they wrote it, tinkering with it for a bit and then sending it on. Once you've requested a letter from them the first time, the subsequent requests are probably taking them 10 minutes, tops. Again, you're not a burden. 

  6. 58 minutes ago, thepictureisstill said:

    Amen, let it be today so we can move forward with our lives! I sunk so low as to apply for a job I'm terribly overqualified for last night. Haaaaalp!

    Hahahaha welcome to my world! I'm pretty close to taking my PhD off my resume. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, thepictureisstill said:

    Excellent! I proposed to work in Ballyvaughan, co. Clare. Where have you spent time? 

    Nice! I've been a little bit of everywhere, but have spent the most time in Dublin and Galway (which you'd be close to in Ballyvaughn). I'm in the arts, so most of the research I do is in urban centers.

  8. 1 minute ago, thepictureisstill said:

    Ok...so today might not be the day haha. Atleast for Ireland.

    Where in Ireland are you applying to go? I'm an Irish studies specialist and have spent a lot of time there.

  9. 2 minutes ago, wonkyscholar said:

    Japan notified around 10am, which I was not expecting at all - Congratulations everyone! I am an Alternate, so the waiting continues! It feels like I'm still in a limbo state since the 6 finalists in the newly graduated research category could make any decisions that may or may not impact this. But it's still a blessing that I've made it this far, I'll just have to see how things turn out over the next month.

    Wow, congratulations and good luck! That's a huge achievement!

  10. 5 minutes ago, landofsmiles said:

    also, how is everyone handling job interviews now? I've been applying to jobs and had some interviews but I don't know if I should tell them about Fulbright or pretend I don't know about it.. 

    I am actively seeking a job, since my current position ends when I graduate in May. I figure the Fulbright is not something I can bank on, so I need to be searching for a solid plan B. I've had a few interviews, and came close to getting hired in one job. I'm not bringing up the Fulbright, at all. Even though it seems more "honest," you risk being pegged as someone who will leave whenever a better opportunity comes along. If I end up accepting a job and then get the Fulbright, I will simply reverse course and decline the job. I've been a working professional for over a decade now (I'm almost 15 years out of college), and if I've learned anything it's that you have to protect your own interests. Don't burn bridges, but also don't sacrifice your own well-being for a job - because your job will likely not make similar sacrifices for you. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, Photogeographic said:

    I think someone deleted the current season on the google doc. Can we restore it to the last version before it was removed? 

    Looks like it's back up.

  12. 5 hours ago, Photogeographic said:

    Do I take a job and just quit after only working for 8 months if I am awarded the grant!?! Do I pretend I don't know I'd be leaving in January? 

    Yes. You gotta eat. Only do this with a job you can afford to burn bridges with, of course. But you need a job and no one is going to hire you if you tell them you're leaving in January. Is it ethical to lie (or withhold the truth)? Technically no, but in my experience loyalty is one of those things that is expected of employees and never really reciprocated by employers. Do what you need to do for you.

  13. Ughhhhhh looking like another weekend without knowing what my life will look like come July. I was supposed to hear today about a job I interviewed for last week - no word from them, either. The only thing I know for sure so far is that my lease ends on June 30...

  14. 17 minutes ago, ACF said:

    I was an ETA grantee to Turkey last year, and they suspended the program before it even begun, and I was told by multiple people not to include it on my own CV. 

    You should DEFINITELY put this on your resume. You weren't an alternate - you were the recipient of a Fulbright award. You could always list as "Fulbright Grant, 2016-2017 (program cancelled)." 

  15. 33 minutes ago, sat0ri said:

    For anyone who was designated as an alternate: do you plan on listing this in your CV? I've stumbled across someone's Linked In account who listed themselves as a Rhodes Scholar Alternate. Of course these two scholarships are different and it might depend on individual circumstance, but I'd be interested to hear opinions.

    Absolutely put it on your resume. It's a BFD. Particularly if it's an academic CV, or an application to graduate school, it should be there. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Dilemma1 said:

    Alternate :( this really hurts.  Congrats to everyone though who found out good news!

    That really, truly sucks. I'm sorry. When the initial hurt and disappointment subside, I hope you'll keep in mind that being an alternate means you are totally Fulbright-worthy. It's probably an issue of matching people to opportunities, but you are Fulbright-caliber. 

  17. I was so hoping Canada would come through with notifications this morning so I could cancel the job interview I have in half an hour. Guess I'll have to continue to plan for my future. :lol:

  18. In terms of the politics thing...Maybe it's just because I'm older and slightly more established, but I am not interested in hiding my political stance on the current administration. If the Fulbright program becomes so politicized that an applicant's level of devotion to the president is a consideration, that's not a program I want to be part of anyway. It's one thing to be professional and relatively apolitical in your application and interviews (just as you would with a job) but my Facebook and Twitter pages remain staunchly opposed to the Trump administration. 

    My project is also about global migration, and I did write briefly about the need for Fulbright projects to help humanize immigrants in a period of growing xenophobia. Again, if that disqualifies me, then it's not a program I want to join anyway.

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