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40 Rounds

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    Queens, NY
  • Program
    PhD History

40 Rounds's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. The night before the offical meet-and-greet at one of my possible schools I met about a dozen current and prospective grads at a bar. I expressed surprise that everyone was out and made a rather obvious joke equating graduate studies with monasticism. One of the grads said they get together sometimes but added "do you notice everyone looks really tired?"
  2. Well, I have nothing else planned for the next five years. I'm being serious, not flippant. The idea of perpetual job-hunting or, if I got "lucky," struggling to get ahead while mired in some kind of soul-crushing drudgery doesn't appeal. (I'd much rather be mired in soul-crushing drudgery and emerge at the end with a PhD.)
  3. No wonder we're always bumping into each other. "Small world" indeed.
  4. My preferred term for "Intellectual Infatuation" is "My Only Hope."
  5. This must surely rank as one of the geekiest threads I've seen in a long time. I'm fairly certain that at the moment you typed "intellectual infatuation" millions of schoolyard bullies around the globe suddenly halted in their tracks or bolted out of bed and pounded their fists into their palms, not knowing why, but consumed with a desire to hurt somebody somewhere!
  6. I received a very similar letter from William & Mary, down to the "very impressed" bit. (Maybe they use a template?) My undergraduate advisor suggested that I email them at the beginning of every week, letting them know I'm still interested.
  7. University of Tennesse Knoxville does spring enrollment, at least they are this year.
  8. knee slapper
  9. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Pardon me if you consider this a personal attack, SuperPiePie, but you strike me as being just a lil' bit insecure. Why do you feel the need to repeatedly proclaim the primacy of science and engineering over English? So humanities folks complain sometimes. I'm sure you'll be able to laugh all the way to the bank one day with your gillion-yen hydroelectric dam contract. In the meantime, we in the humanities are perfectly aware that our stature is slipping in what a previous poster so excellently described as the "utilitarian, 'tangible benefits', results-based paradigm" of the 21st century world. No need to kick us when we're down!
  10. Offended humanities folks, let's take comfort in knowing that the arrogance, willful ignorance, and sense of privilege exhibited by a couple of science/engineering majors on this thread doesn't extend to everyone in those fields.
  11. She said she liked my type ...
  12. gingery beard
  13. Invisible Lover
  14. Hey Michael! There are some really interesting stories and topics here, aren't there? Will

  15. I told you I was crazy.
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