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Everything posted by was1984

  1. Amex statement Columbia Video Network (CVN) advertisement - They will harass me until the day I die because I took one course! Monster Job Agent Search Results - Never relevant, haven't bothered to get off this one Discover statement A bunch of Linked In and Facebook spam I get about 45 emails a day that don't go directly into my spam folder, so about 45 times a day I check my email, hoping!
  2. I sure hope if I make it as an academic I don't turn out to be as much of a diva as this prof.
  3. Does using lots of expletives make you feel powerful? Because to me, all it does is make you look ignorant. You presume to know what people on this board have or haven't read. Go read Locke. Just because a philosopher said something doesn't mean I'm required to agree with it, though I do tend to agree with Rousseau, in context. I don't agree with taking socialism from the idea of general will, though, and I don't really think he would have either. Fall off your high horse.
  4. I wish I could figure out a way to hibernate for a month or two.
  5. Looks like its shaping up to be another day with no responses!
  6. I'd go with whichever adviser has the most interesting research to you. What area are you in?
  7. I definitely don't mean to imply that anyone thinks government intervention is always best. I'm just responding to the notion that those in humanities tend liberal because they are compassionate toward their fellow man. I don't see how left wing politics and compassion for the situations of others are necessarily linked. It is easy to be both right wing and compassionate. I like to think I'm a good example.
  8. I appreciate the effort. I wish people didn't see fiscal conservatives as every man for themselves. It isn't about that at all, it's all about the limitation of government, the organization that history proves time and time again as the most oppressive ever imagined by humans. I believe government should be as limited as possible. But I also believe that the downtrodden in society should be provided for, I just don't believe that the government is a remotely appropriate vehicle for such provision. I also tend to agree with the Democrats' social positions in many situations, but I cannot stomach their fiscal policies any more than I can stomach those of the neocons. My fundamental question is still: Why do those in humanities see the government as the solution to those humanitarian problems they encounter in their studies?
  9. The neo-cons are not traditional right-wing conservatives by any stretch of the imagination. George W. Bush in my mind is as much about big government as Barack Obama, with different applications. I'm not a great admirer of either of them.
  10. I'm not familiar with your specific situation, so I can't really comment on it. From a much broader perspective, can you address the more general platform of the far left relating to that question? I'm genuinely curious.
  11. But how can you equate this with government oversight? Are there not other methods of dealing with the issues? This is the quantum leap that I've never understood with the far left. I've never seen anyone adequately explain how such a bloated and inefficient system is the proper solution to almost every social injustice. It is certainly the most convenient...
  12. Yep, sorry, I'm an engineer and do not always express myself as well as I'd like in writing!
  13. You could always vote for third party candidates that have virtually no chance of winning like I do. It doesn't really alleviate the frustration, though.
  14. I think we are going to have to enlist Zogby for that one. *tangent alert* Even an M.S. is arguably not worth the cost, as in the time you get your M.S. you will miss out on somewhere between $100,000-$175,000 and your peers with a B.S. will be at the same salary level as an M.S. new grad. It makes financial sense to get an M.S. part time while working, but I've tried it and it is horrible. Most of us pursue graduate degrees so we can work on something that is actually interesting.
  15. Still haven't heard from anybody. Granted, my schools all had Jan 15 deadlines, I'm applying for M.S. programs, and none of my programs have any M.S. admissions results yet, but it still drives me mad!
  16. I don't know. Your position requires a huge leap. That leap is that the government is the best vehicle to carry out those measures.
  17. I wonder this too. While this poll isn't remotely scientific, it does seem to cast doubt on the idea I've heard recently that universities are deliberately omitting conservative ideologies from their campus. Here we are before the future faculty even have graduate degrees, and there is a clear liberal bias in the humanities. Now the question is...what about our world views makes scientists/engineers a reasonable cross section of society (thus far with slight liberal leanings), while humanities have such a strong bias?
  18. That's your call. I could only put 10 options in the poll. I tend think social sciences are more akin to history or English than physics or engineering, but it probably depends on what your specific area of interest is. I'm not here to raise the ire of brilliant statisticians who ply their trade in the social sciences .
  19. This is what happens when large portions of the population to go to college. College is the new high school.
  20. I'm on furlough every other week because my company doesn't think they have the money to pay me (or anybody else) to work every week right now. Meanwhile, they just hired a new CEO and are paying him $75,000 a month, with 4 months up front. So when I actually get to work I bust my ass, if only to make sure that every other week off doesn't turn into every week off 5 months before I go back to school. On the weeks off, the time just crawls by.
  21. I've gotten curious while reading this board of everyone's political leanings. I know a lot of grad students tend very liberal, and I've gathered that from reading this message board. I also wonder if there are any differences between science/engineering and humanties. With that in mind, I've devised this poll, which is indeed far too limited. I am a libertarian, but I lean slightly right. I'm against the abridgment of just about everything, from gay marriage to gun rights. This poll doesn't really even fully describe my own position. Lets try to keep this civil.
  22. I've never really understood why people care whether a topic had been previously discussed, especially when it is trivial.
  23. I wonder this every episode.
  24. 4) They finish their dissertation before the professor is willing to let them go, and have to choose between 2-3 more years under said professor or skipping out with the masters early. This happened to a friend of mine.
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