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About Neuronista

  • Birthday January 22

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  • Interests
    neuroscience; neuropharmacology; learning and memory; synaptic plasticity; brain electrophysiology and biophysics
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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Mocha (7/10)



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  1. my parents just won't let me apply anywhere I want! I'm afraid that means I won't apply at all :'(

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    2. Neuronista


      My dad is offering to pay because he says I don't have an established career yet etc. Very nice of him. They want me to apply to places in Texas because I have an uncle living there. They think I'll be "safer" (!). But that approach did not work. I really need to go for schools in other places that better match my interests.

    3. newms


      Maybe try to explain why the schools that you are looking at are better for you than schools in Texas? At the end of the day though, it should be your decision.

    4. Zouzax


      I know how the parents can be very convincing with money, my father tried to do almost the same thing. In the end, I decided it was better to go for what "I" wanted as "I" am the one who has to live with the decision. I did, however, apply to a school near them to keep them happy. Throughout the process, I explained to them why one of the furthest schools was preferable because of everything they were offering, and how important it would be to my securing a good job in the fut...

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