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About Neuronista

  • Birthday January 22

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  • Interests
    neuroscience; neuropharmacology; learning and memory; synaptic plasticity; brain electrophysiology and biophysics
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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Mocha (7/10)



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  1. my MS commencement is on Monday. I really don't know how I'll be able to show up and smile and enjoy it while my brain is so occupied with my PhD admissions. I hope I hear some good news before that (I know, I know. before Monday?) Sorry for the too much ranting. But I feel like I'm falling apart.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. beanbagchairs


      This whole application season makes one go crazy. I know that and I am living that. I know it's hard to enjoy your commencement. Just try :)

    3. Neuronista


      thank you all sooooo much for your encouragement and kind words. I am very touched. You really made my day! I'll try to have fun and enjoy it while it lasts :) After all, you don't get a masters everyday, do you? I wish you all the best.

    4. hopehope


      of course! You've worked so hard and you got to let go and indulge in the moment sometimes! relax and live out loud!

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