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  • Gender
  • Location
    BR, LA
  • Program
    MAT/M.Ed Secondary Ed.--English

OwlBeYourFriend's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. So, here's the deal: Going for a Master's with Teaching Certification for Secondary Education, usually an MAT, but also an M.Ed, M.S.Ed, etc. All generally to give education courses to those who want to teach in the same subject area as their bachelor's. So far, I've been accepted to Towson and ODU, both good schools, and I'll probably be accepted to my undergrad alma mater LSU as well. The perks for each: Towson: program's classes would be more at night, leaving my days open for a job; the area is nice and lots to do; walkable; housing isn't too bad; only 4 1/2 hours [with traffic] from s.o.ODU: pretty much the same stuff as Towson, except only 3 hours from s.o.LSU: know the place; could find a good roommate easy; only one year compared to the other twoThere are other things, but my main question is this: do I wrack on the inevitable student loan debt and go off somewhere new? Or do I stay where I am, for a shorter program and less financial burden? Part of me wants to save the money, but the other side is saying, Go to new places! Argh.
  2. I just want one acceptance. Just one. Please?

    1. Neuronista


      hang in there! Hopefully you will get that acceptance soon :)

    2. beanbagchairs


      I really hope you'll get it :)

    3. newms


      Fingers crossed!

  3. Yeah, I've actually gotten the pre-emptive "if it doesn't happen, it's not meant to be" already, since I got waitlisted at my top choice. It mainly sucks 'cause my SO has already started looking for housing at his, and I haven't even gotten one acceptance. FRUSTRATING. Though the most ridiculous reply was when I told my mom I got waitlisted. She started asking if I needed references and sent me the link to the program website. I told her there was nothing else I could do but wait, and she used the line "I'm just looking out for your future". Yeah, only because my top choice is a cost-free program if accepted, Mom :/
  4. While I'm applying as well, but my SO and I are applying to different programs. The main thing for me right now is I haven't heard a word from anyone (except TfA) and he's had 2 interviews and an acceptance (which, btw, came 4 days after his interview). My advice, as the SO currently waiting it out, is just to be there, for the accept/reject, and also try and get their mind off of all the stress.
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