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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hollywood, CA, USA
  • Interests
    Politics of Reproduction, Gender and Sexuality, Sociological Theory, Nutrition and Exercise
  • Program
    Sociomedical Sciences, Medical Sociology

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  1. I'm glad we have a forum for the Sociology track. I wonder how many they will accept under Sociology. I was looking at the stats for other Columbia departments and other universities and seen some schools accept less than 15 out of ~300 applicants. I wonder how many applied to our department and track. So far, there are three confirmed. I am also tortured waiting to hear these results. Best of luck to us all.
  2. I know exactly how you feel. I feel like I refresh the "results" page for Columbia way more than I should. At least it's going to be Friday (PST) and I know nothing will happen during the weekend so my worrying will stop for now. When Monday comes, it begins again. We will find out soon enough. To the individual that got accepted on 17 Feb...congratulations!!! If you're on these boards, tell us who you are and your stats. =)
  3. I was wondering the exact same thing. I want to assume it is for the MA program because those are the admissions decisions that are released and none of us have heard anything about our status for the PhD program. If the one poster was correct, we will find out within the next week or so. Looking at past trends, early March is when the decisions are released for the PhD program.
  4. Columbia SMS would be crazy if they decided not to foster your research interests. I'm so glad someone is interested in looking into queer health. There is not much scholarly literature on it (unless it is related to HIV/AIDS) and we need to expand on how we take care of the LGBT community in terms of health care policy. I hope I will get the chance to read the research that you produce in the future. I am very excited about all this and it will heartbreaking as mentioned in another post if we do not receive that awaited "acceptance."
  5. Hello everyone! I also applied to the Columbia SMS PhD program under Sociology along with applying to the pre-doctoral fellowship for gender and sexuality. I am anxiously awaiting for the admissions decisions to be released. This is my top choice for graduate school and it is good to know that there are others sharing the emotional thrill (adrenaline?) waiting to get those emails (or phone calls as I have observed from past admittances). I noticed that some of you have listed your research interests and it is very exciting to know what my future classmates (crosses fingers) are interested in. I am interested in women's sexuality and bodily perceptions that shape their healthcare needs (politics of reproduction, lesbian/bisexual healthcare, and colored women's experiences in dealing with chronic illnesses related to the endocrine system and plastic surgery) in the U.S. major cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York City. Best of luck to everyone!!! Hope to hear from all of you soon.
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