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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Sounds good . No I'm not sure who I will be working with yet, but I'm thinking about going into nuclear research. But there is plenty of time to decide, so we'll see.
  2. Thanks for the information! It's very helpful. I was looking at the graduate housing as well... thinking maybe just for the first semester until I get the know the area better. Philosophy, also a very interesting topic to pursue. Wish you the best of luck with being successful in that area.
  3. This may seem like an odd question, but received an e-mail from one school with an offer. About a week later I decided to accept, but it had no instructions on "how to accept." So I just replied to the e-mail stating that I wished to accept the offer. That was three days ago, & I've had no reply. So today I e-mailed one of the people in the program about the wishing to accept the offer & if there was anything else I had to do. No reply. So how long do I wait? I don't want to seem impatient, but at the same time I'd like some confirmation before I go around declining other offers. Maybe it's best to call in?
  4. I bought a HP HDX a few years back, which doesn't sound glamorous... but remarkably it's the best laptop I've ever owned. Besides the fact that it always runs hot, it still running well without any problems. As best deal for the money at the time as well.
  5. To the first poster, it says your blog cannot be found. But yeah, I also keep a blog as well http://parisian-dreams.com/beau-ideal.html updated every weekday.
  6. Yup definitely a fan of Firefly. Probably one of the best made shows I ever seen.
  7. looks like this is where I'll be headed to for graduate school, in the field of physics.
  8. I think most graduate programs are understanding of this issue. Unless the department sent out all their invites at once, and even then I don't see any reason why they wouldn't consider you. But I agree with the others, I don't see how an e-mail to the department could hurt if you just explain what happened.
  9. I was just sitting at my computer checking my e-mail every 5 seconds, and suddenly I received a message to my junk folder. So naturally I knew it had to be important (not sure why hotmail does this... sends all my important e-mails to the junk folder). I was a bit hesitant to open it of course, but when I seen the result I was quite ecstatic... considering the only schools I heard from I was rejected from .
  10. 27, but turning 28 this month. I started late, so just no getting around to graduate school.
  11. On facebook I posted about my acceptance... didn't think anything of it at the time. Looking back, knowing some of my friends are still waiting to hear from schools, it may have been short sighted. But then I also thought it was the other way around, and if it was me waiting & honestly I'd be nothing less than happy for them. There's nothing a wrong with being excited and wanting to share the news with your friends so long as you don't do it an annoying or arrogant manner.
  12. While studying I listen to a lot of electronic, ambient, and chill music. Just to list a few that I listen to either in the car or while studying, deadmau5 Moby Nouvelle Vague Gorillaz Red Hot Chili Peppers Sigur Ros Jon Hopkins Thievery Corporation Scroobius Pip Daft Punk Sufjan Stevens
  13. I only applied to 1 Canadian university and the reply was almost immediate (within a week). I was rejected. I was rather surprised, but that's how things go. Then about a month later I got an e-mail from the admissions department that they were just now sitting down to review applications and that I should expect a decision without 2 months.
  14. Well done, I enjoyed it .
  15. Congratz to everyone who also go in today. I thought I was toast because I missed out on the subject GRE, and it's almost universally required for my major. Luckily I was accepted to at least one place, so I can relax a bit and concentrate on school.
  16. Well after panicking yesterday, I got my first acceptance today. So maybe the panicking was for nothing.
  17. This is another good blog post http://blog.devicera...getting-a-life/ about school titled "Goodbye academia, I get a life."
  18. Sadly I've started peaking at schools for next year as well. Not sure what I'll do with myself for a whole year off, but not much you can do. Being the last week of February, I have to agree the silence probably says a lot.
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