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Everything posted by RD_Paul

  1. I've spoken with her quite a lot, and that doesn't seem to be on her radar. She seems like she would be an excellent person to work with. Longenecker too.
  2. Wagner told me that they are indeed competitive.
  3. At my (small) denominational seminary, which I thought might hinder me in this process, but it hasn't turned out to have done so thus far. I think that it has actually turned out to be a strength.
  4. It's a really great program; up and coming for sure, but well on its way. This is especially true for Paul, with both Longenecker and Gaventa there.
  5. I hear you. While Baylor is and has been my first choice, I certainly did not want to get rejected from Duke's PhD.
  6. He just said they would like to schedule it sometime in the next few weeks. Thankfully, I am going to have a busy next few weeks of interviews.
  7. Laodiceans: it is a Skype interview, and it is competitive.
  8. Also got an e-mail from Ross Wagner to interview for the Th.D.!
  9. Any ideas when Notre Dame might send out interview invites?
  10. I've been told the same thing as tdwightdavis by the director of the ThD program, but I've also been told by a different professor that one won't be admitted to both. They are completely separate admissions processes, but I do think that y00nsk's instinct might be right. Wow. That's really low!
  11. Does anyone know where to find information on the stipend for Duke's ThD? I got curious this morning, but I can't find anything.
  12. I learned yesterday that the waitlist for the PhD program will go out after the interview weekend and that notifications for ThD interviews (Skype) will go out next week. Really looking forward to hearing about the ThD program. I've known all along that I'm a much better fit for it than the PhD, even though I would have loved to have gotten, of course.
  13. That would be nice. Thanks! Have any idea about when they release a waitlist or anything?
  14. Congrats! While I'M bummed that I didn't hear anything, I'm happy for you! Duke is a great program.
  15. That's a relief. By "congrats" on my earlier post, what I actually meant was "well damn." But I'm glad to know this. Thanks for sharing.
  16. I just saw on the results page that someone got an e-mail invite (NT) to the interview at Duke. Congrats! Anyone know if they only interview one person?
  17. Trying desperately to resist the temptation to e-mail Duke!
  18. Yeah. It has happened a lot to me lately. So far, I would say it is probably a good sign if they are searching you.
  19. I expect Duke interviews to go out today or tomorrow, based on when last year's went out and the hits from yesterday.
  20. RD_Paul

    Plan B?

    Very similar for me, except I'm Mennonite.
  21. I wouldn't let that worry you. It may be that the NT folks are on a different time table or something.
  22. Just noticed that someone in both Notre Dame and Durham found my academia page, so it seems like things are about to happen at ND and Duke.
  23. I was talking about Duke, not Emory.
  24. My acquaintance is in the PhD program (dept of religion), and she told me that the Dept of Rel committee meets next week.
  25. The interview went well. Pretty short. I think they just use these short conversations to put a name with a face. In any case, we'll see!
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