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che psyra psyra

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  • Program
    Cognitive Psychology PhD

che psyra psyra's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Got my rejection letter from Harvard! Framing that shit.
  2. Let's start our own grad school.
  3. They are such a wild card!
  4. :-) Thanks for the support! It's good to hear.
  5. Official rejection from Brown via e-mail. Can we have a moment of silence for my top choice, please?
  6. Tufts rejection was me. Got an e-mail last week that decisions would be up soon, and found the rejection this morning. Stings!
  7. Arcadian, that was an excellent summary of points to consider when entering the field!
  8. Nothing from cog here, either.
  9. Applied, haven't heard. According to their website decisions will happen pretty late, it seems. I think they say you'll be notified in Feb/March?
  10. Every prof I've asked about this so far has said something along the lines of "I've heard that, but I don't really get it/think its true." I think a good program is a good program is a good program, so if it has the right resources for you, go for it. Someone's vague doubts about your ability to leave the nest won't make or break whatever future opportunity, so long as you've performed well.
  11. Haha, that's funny. I'm assuming mine was a telemarketer... I never used to get them on my cell, but I've had THREE in the last month!
  12. My sincere congrats to those with interviews, but yes, I'm feeling this. Also, had a missed call from an unknown number today with no voicemail. Just cruel!
  13. But these can be rewards OR consolation prizes! Great excuse to indulge, you'll need a present either way.
  14. A really nice fancy schmancy dinner or three! And seconding that leather messenger bag - it just completes the whole academic image, no?
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