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About sleepyjoey

  • Birthday 11/07/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego
  • Interests
    Molecular/cell biology
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Biological Sciences

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Good luck on your decision between WashU and Chicago. Both are great schools. I ended up picking Penn! Thank you everybody!
  2. Hello, I'm pursuing the PhD in Immunology, and have been admitted to USC, WashU, Weill Cornell (Cornell Med School in Manhattan) and University of Pennsylvania. I've already decided WashU and USC are off the list, (although I sincerely think WUSTL has an excellent program) and it's down to Cornell Vs Penn. I'm having a serious time making up my mind. Penn has a larger immunology community, while Cornell has a more focused/smaller department. I had a really great rapport with two PI's at Cornell, but I'm keeping the perspective that I may not rotate with them or get into their lab. Also only connecting with two PI's doesn't mean I have a grip in the rest of the program. I generally liked the PI's at Penn, but didn't have any PI that dead-set attracted my attention. However their community is so large it is likely there is a PI out there for me. There are a lot of factors aside from science, such as stipend levels, housing, and way of life. The housing at Cornell is pretty much pre-determined for you at the student housing across the street and isn't cheap, but the stipend is about $5500 more than Penn per year. Additionally I would have to sell my car (which is fairly in good condition) as a car in Manhattan isn't productive. On the plus side of that, not having a car means not dealing with car associated costs. The housing at Penn appears cheaper and more varied, but it would be a commute to school (from what I hear, it'll be a 30 min walk usually). The stipend is lower, but I would be able to bring a car, which would be nice around year 5 when I feel like driving somewhere. Anybody have some input on my situation, or familiarity with the programs? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you,
  3. I had a good interview at an Ivy last weekend but got a denial email. I haven't gotten any other interviews this season and am pretty beat down. However not giving up am planning to re-apply for fall 2016 and spread myself far and wide. I sent out 7 applications this year, only had one 1 interview which was denial. Would it be worthwhile to ask for feedback from my denials? Has anyone actually gotten valuable feedback from a denied school? Thanks, sleepyjoey
  4. Yes it is possible, but very unlikely. They typically try to avoid pissing off that department if they give a recommendation for your admission.
  5. Went to an interview a Yale, heard multiple people have been given offers already, heard of one person being wait listed, still haven't heard a thing. THE AGONY OF WAITING!~
  6. I literally check my email about every 20 minutes.
  7. Had a good interview weekend last week. Heard several people have offers already. I've basically been glued to my phone waiting for my call and no word yet. Is this normal to not be called right away when some offers have been made?
  8. Still haven't heard anything yet.
  9. I'm still waiting to hear from them.
  10. I'll be heading to New Haven in February for several days to the Yale interview. Yale booked my flight and hotel. I'm a little psyched about re-locating to the east coast from San Diego. It's rather pricey to move everything I own, and it appears I'll just be giving it all away and having to start fresh in New Haven. Long story short, does anyone know the acceptance rate of Immunology department for the PhD program if they bring you out for an interview? Thanks!
  11. So the Results... the ETS power prep practice scores: 160Q and 156V, which was still a bit low, but I ran out of study time before the test. ACTUAL SCORES: 156Q , 159V, 5.5A .... 64%, 81%, and 90%+ respectively. I bombed one of the quant sections by wasting time on a problem and forcing me to guess some on the back end that hurt my score. I'll let you guys know if I get in anywhere with the low quant score! lol. Thanks, -Joey
  12. UCSD contacted me (finally) and said their cutoff for biological sciences is 75% in all categories across the board. Definitely re-taking it! FYI!
  13. Thank you all for the thoughtful advice. I'll begin studying to retake it. I'll end up taking it in Oct so I can have my apps submitted in November. Thank you Macchiato for the GRE resources. I'll start with the Princeton Review Book and once finished I'll go through Magoosh and ETS prep stuff if time warrants. -Joey
  14. Hi, I have a BA in Psychology from San Diego State University with a meager 3.0 GPA. I am finishing my Masters of Science in Molecular Biology / Immunology from a smaller CSU school, (California State University San Marcos) with a good GPA of 3.95. My GRE score from 2011 (I got into my masters program with) was V 151 / Q 158, and W 4.5. Percentiles are 50%, 71% and 80% respectively. I am trying to get into UCSD or Scripps Research for a PhD program in Molecular Biology or Biomedical Sciences. At this point would my GRE be a serious hindrance to my application and should I try to cram / re-take it for this application period? -Joey
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