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Everything posted by lkjl2007

  1. From some stuff I've read in different places that I can't remember (don't know if it was last year's Fulbright forum or a FB group) they reimburse you. But there are also really strict rules about the ticket. It has to be from an American carrier (Delta, United, American, etc.--codeshares are okay, but you have to be ticketed on the American carrier) and I also believe that it may have to be purchased through STA--they have some special Fulbright thing. Because of all the specifics, I would not buy the ticket now...even if it's super cheap. Slash also, doesn't the idea of buying your ticket before you even know if you've gotten the grant make you anxious? Or are you planning to be in Germany anyway?
  2. I am 99.99% sure that they mean the Fulbright app we already submitted. And since our recommendation email said they were forwarding our application to the proper authorities abroad, I'm assuming that means they are sending it to the PAD.
  3. ETA Germany too Confused in what way? It's basic information they want about us, and then the cover letter and Lebenslauf. I've heard that in the past, Germany ETAs just translate their personal statement as the Lebenslauf, and their statement of grant purpose as the cover letter. That's what I'm in the process of doing, though their will be some edits and additions for the Lebenslauf.
  4. ETA Germany applicants, just received an email from Cara Doble with the instructions for what we submit to the PAD...check your email!
  5. I'm pretty sure you're the only one. Are you trying to come the the US as a grad student, or an undergrad? Re: the spreadsheet, it's been updated, but it's alphabetically sorted by country, so Vietnam will always appear last.
  6. Ugh, I was guessing 75% chance. So annoying! I hope they send those packets out soon so we have time to get everything in.
  7. Ok, cool. There's also some form on the PAD website? Do you know if we'll receive more information from IIE/Fulbright Commission about it, if they're expecting us to do our own research and figure it out, or what? Where do we send it? I don't want to screw anything up.
  8. I've edited the spreadsheet so that anyone can view it, but I (the person with the email address controlling the spreadsheet) am the only person who can edit it. If you would like to make an edit to your listing, please email fulbright2012.2013(at)gmail(dot)com and I will do it as quickly as I can. I'm sorry for all the confusion/issues with the spreadsheet. If anyone can tell me how to make it so the ENTIRE spreadsheet (every single entry) is organized alphabetically by country, that would be super. As it is now, half the spreadsheet is alphabetized by country, and then it starts over at the beginning of the alphabet and the other half of the spreadsheet is similarly organized. View the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc
  9. It's split, I don't know why or who did it, or how to fix it.
  10. I hope they do. If we don't hear anything soon I might call Cara Doble and see what the next step is.
  11. Yeah, it's just for ETAs. It's paperwork to send to the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst, aka the "supervising agency abroad" they mention in the email.
  12. But the deadline is March 1, 2012 (the same deadline we have for sending our transcripts to IIE)...and based on previous years' notification dates, we wouldn't know by then if we've received the ETA. Perhaps we'll get some sort of follow-up email with further instructions.
  13. The only people who have contributed to the sheet are those who have been recommended for further consideration. Since the point of the spreadsheet is to track everyones' status from here out, it makes sense that those whose applications aren't being considered further wouldn't want to be on it.
  14. http://www.kmk-pad.org/programme/ausl-fsa/usa.html Was linked from here (not updated...says "2011-2012 grantees") http://www.fulbright.de/togermany/information-for-2011-2012-grantees/
  15. I looked on fulbright.de and found links to the PAD website...need to spend some time reading it but the general gist is that there are forms, Lebenslauf, and Personal Statement that we have to have in (auf Deutsch) by March 1 (same deadline as the transcript) but I'm not sure where we're supposed to send it all.
  16. Anyone know if there's a way, with the spreadsheet, to change how you're viewing the order? Like right now, some awesome person has added some dropdowns and ordered it alphabetically by country, but is there a way we can (according to preference) also look at it ordered by say, grant type, region, academic status, etc?
  17. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc Here is an updated link for the spreadsheet. Right now, anyone who has the link can edit it, so go ahead and add/update your information as you wish. Hopefully no one will come across the link and mess with the spreadsheet. If you'd rather I add you, you can still email fulbright2012.2013(at)gmail(dot)com
  18. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmDYen47XHyRdDlqMkRFUUVuZXpQQWRJd09wNUZJclE There's the link for the spreadsheet! Email fulbright2012.2013@gmail.com with your information if you want to be added. Many thanks to jennywren237 for making it!
  19. I'm on it! The spreadsheet, I mean. Scratch that. I'm totally failing. I made an email address for it, but I'm failing at Google Docs. Who wants to take over??
  20. Happened to me too, I was super nervous (getting the same email twice). I heard that if recommended for the Germany ETA, I'd have to do some paperwork in German in order to proceed with the application, but I can't find information about that anywhere. Does anyone know? Paging MollyRowland.
  21. Two people in the chat just got their acceptances
  22. Oh no cabooklover, I'm so sorry--I was really rooting for you! Good luck with the scholarships, at least you still get to be in England!
  23. The number of people reading just keeps going up, up, up...wow, so crazy. This is the only time we'll all be waiting together! @Molly I'm guessing that if it's automated the server can't actually send them all in the same instant? I don't really understand these things though.
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