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    computer science

galatea's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Yeah MIT doesn't ask for GRE scores... I mean an 800 Quanti score will hold good for the initial steps of the process; it is a valuable asset. But, in the end it's all about fitting in - whether your interests match that of the university. And of course, your research work.
  2. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! good for you....fully fundeddddd what fun!
  3. I sent out withdrawal e-mails...they didn't reply...so technically I'm "waiting". I sent out other e-mails even b4 I accepted an offer and didn't receive a reply then...so I don't know if my withdrawl e-mails are making an effect overall
  4. I'm waiting on Case Western Reserve University and Boston University, Masters in CS...though I've already accepted the offer from Johns Hopkins University So I'm not anxious for an answer but am curious why it's taking so long...especially Case... From what I've seen on the Results page it seems Case has been tardy in accepting/rejecting students applying to varied departments! Maybe they finally decided to take their name seriously and turn the University into a safari Funding only if you prove ur a monkey...
  5. galatea


    Yup it does Thank you!
  6. galatea


    Anyone plz?
  7. galatea


    So what exactly happens with FAFSA? I fill out the form...submit it...get a report back and an ECF...then what happens? Do I now wait for the university financial aid office to reply back? Should I contact someone? How long does this process take?
  8. Thanks a lot liszt85... Does writing a letter create a better impression? I know it sounds kinda superficial...but was just wondering if it makes a difference overall
  9. So I got admitted... Is it normal to send e-mails to professors? I sent an e-mail to one professor in another department since I had a genuine question about how I could integrate my subject with his. Is it necessary to e-mail a professor in my own department? I mean I don't really have a question at this moment...Is this a part of networking? I was also reading about this somewhere in this forum - someone has planned to e-mail his professors about RA positions. Is it ok to do that? Or do you have to get the Ok Flag from someone in graduate department to do something like that? Me and my silly questions Answers away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. JAMG Do you have any information on what kinda loans I would be eligible for? I am a US citizen applying to US schools but I live in India.
  11. galatea

    Baltimore, MD

    Is there a beach in Baltimore? I hope there are a few places to play tennis...any thoughts on this topic?
  12. (though this isn't a haiku) Dear Rejection-Letter Writer, In many ways I hate thee, From head to tiny toes, I would like to kick thee And punch thy humongous nose. I wish thee were a cockroach, I would smash thee with a broom Search every nook and corner And spray the entire room. I wonder how it would be If thee were blade of grass I'd pull thee out by thy root And feed the cows that pass. In many ways I hate thee From head to shiny heel. Some day I will pinch thee And my wrath thy then will feel.
  13. Dear psycholinguist, Your score on your SMT exam was so freaking awesome, that one of our esteemed professors jumped out a window with sheer joy. I am sorry to say that due to this unfortunate occurrence, we will have to take back all your funding. We will be using the cash to glue Professor X's spine back together. Other than that you are accepted! All we need you to do is send your GME (Graduate Madness Examination) score. From, The Department of Computer Science. P.S. To avoid excessive shock and joy within the admission committee, we prefer you break the GME news to us gently, thus giving us time to adjust to the magnitude of your acclaimed insanity. Singing your score to us might help.
  14. MDLee...what's your score in SMT( Standard Mad Test)... I accept a minimum score of 1000 out of 800, plus research work Send me a SOP and a couple dozen LORs from certified mad men...preferably from someone in jail You are not bad if you are not mad :mrgreen:
  15. The Department of Computer Science 601: Why you think your computer is spying on you. 602: The Budget Crisis: replacing all electronic chips with potato chips 603: Geeks and Dorks: It is directly proportional to the amount of Computer Science you know 604: How to make a Bacteria ( and run Norton out of business) 605: Programming in D (it is the new C) 606: Computational Biology : how giant cucumbers can do GRE math better than most humans 607: Take over the world...Muaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa
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