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Status Updates posted by bdon19

  1. It's official--I'm going to UNC next year! Yay! :)

    1. snes


      yay, congrats!

    2. newms



  2. Well, I just turned down my first Ph.D. offer. Sounds crazy to say that...

  3. So, so close to committing...I can feel this process slowly dwindling to a close, and it is a fabulous feeling.

    1. amandacarol1215


      It really is a great feeling! I hope you make the one that is best for you!

  4. I have fallen in love...with a program. With the program, the people, the campus, the town. Everything about this place is just perfect.

    1. cokohlik
    2. antecedent


      You have some great admits, bdon! I'm so curious which one it is :) Have fun!

    3. Timshel


      Are you talking about Chapel Hill? I know that's where you were leaning. I was just there on Tuesday. We should have met up!

  5. Super excited for my two visits over spring break!

  6. Conferences are so weird. Fun, but so so weird.

    1. DualCitizenIR


      I totally agree. Before I ever went to one, I thought it would be a huge circular room like the UN or something where everyone made speeches... Then I found the odd academic creation called the conference.

    2. TripWillis


      I've been to two; one was totally and completely the weirdest thing ever and the other was absolutely enthralling. Guess those are the two polar options.

    3. eco_env


      I've been to 2 of the same conference (2 different years). seemed pretty ordinary to me.

  7. Preparing to bid adieu to Ivy League dreams.

  8. I have a feeling my week is over, which is fine by me! Much excitement this week!

  9. Just got accepted to UT-Austin! Waiting on many other schools, but really happy about this one!

  10. Moving back into the 0% confidence thread...

  11. It's really nice for that first official rejection not to hurt. :D Still over the moon, with 9 programs to go.

  12. I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Safferz


      WOOT!!!! Congrats, I'm also celebrating my first acceptance today! :D

    2. newms


      Congrats to you both!

    3. takethiswaltz
  13. Why did I apply to grad school again?

    1. LLajax


      Maybe we can get tax deductions for our "charitable donations" to all those schools?

  14. Just got accepted to present at a conference I thought I'd surely been rejected from. Maybe this bodes well for schools as well...?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rainy_day


      Congrats!! What conference?

    3. litjust


      Congrats!! Yeah, what conference?

    4. bdon19


      Thanks for the congrats, everyone! It's the Undergrad Conference on English Lit at the University of St. Francis. Nothing too special, but good experience all the same!

  15. Refreshing my e-mail every 30 seconds isn't working.

    1. alptekinyilmazer


      Thanks God, I am not alone!

  16. Will this week be THE week? We shall see in time.

  17. I can feel it creeping closer and closer. And yet every time I check my e-mail I am thwarted. Damn you, adcoms everywhere!!

  18. Officially going to AWP in March! YESSSSSSSSSS. So excited!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LLajax


      Alien Wingnut Project. Allied Wonderers Potentiate?

    3. Timshel


      Association of Writers and Writing Programs?

    4. bdon19


      Timshel's got it! Although Alien Wingnut Project sounds pretty fun!

  19. Playing the waiting game in too many ways right now. Life, I'm getting impatient!!

  20. klja;lkjs;lkdj;lkfja;ksdff e-mails from grad schools give me heart attacks. Every single time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bdon19


      I just got one from Duke that said "Application Status." Gahhhhh

    3. snes


      I got Yale's AND Duke's! WHY WHY WHY

    4. LLajax


      @Snes- ME TOO!

  21. So hard not to read into every little e-mail exchange. WHEN WILL FEBRUARY BE HERE!?

  22. Waiting is so much worse than I thought it would be.

    1. gellert
    2. cokohlik


      Yes, and it's only January....

  23. Phew. Applied to two Ivy Leagues today. Glad to have that over with.

  24. I've already found my study spot in Austin. It was an awful idea coming here before admission time rolls around. I am in love.

    1. litjust


      Ooh, how nice!! That's how I felt when I visited Berkeley and Madison :)

  25. Visting the UT-Austin campus today! Yay!!

    1. litjust


      awesome! hope you enjoy :)

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