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Everything posted by imbeingdead

  1. Hello, everyone. This will be my second year applying to MFA programs. I'm currently in the process of updating my portfolio and was trying to figure out what percentage of it should contain new work vs. work I applied with last year. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  2. Hi everyone! This will be my second year applying to MFA Photo programs. I'll once again be shooting for UCLA and CSULB, but definitely adding more schools this year. I'm really aiming to stay in the Los Angeles area, so USC and UCI will most likely be on the list. The one thing I'm stressing about is adding new work. I have a few months to get maybe...six new prints done. I really need to get on that asap.
  3. Pretty much no difference. People with B.A.s get into top tier MFA programs all the time. It really all depends on your work.
  4. Wow, lol. So just got an email from CSULB saying they did not receive one of my transcripts, so they withdrew my application. Funny thing is, I was contacted by them last month and they told me they were missing 2 out of 4 transcripts. I sent them and now this email said there was another missing transcript (which they didn't bother telling me about when they contacted me last month). Meh. I was pretty much expecting not getting in this time around. I will be applying again this fall, with a strengthened portfolio and the information I gained this year. I also hope to apply to more programs, as this time I was greatly limited by lack of money for applications. I hope to see everyone who didn't get in this year back on the board in about 6 months and congrats to everyone who did get in.
  5. I believe Duke's MFA program is still accepting applications. It's only in its first year and not as well known yet, so I assume they are trying to get more applicants in before they make their decisions.
  6. California is probably the most beautiful and diverse state in the country when it comes to nature. Places like Yosemite, Sequoia, Death Valley, the California coastline, etc. Plus, all within half a day's drive or less from any of the major metropolitan areas. Although you might not be able to be right in the thick of it, you can't get ocean/forest/mountain/desert/city regions all in such close proximity anywhere else.
  7. Anyone aside from painting hear from CSULB?
  8. Sweet. UCLA rejection via email. I pretty much knew it was coming, since people who got in knew a couple weeks ago.
  9. I haven't received a single thing from UCLA yet. Just waiting for the official rejection email.
  10. Quietest day in a while.
  11. Anyone else already thinking about Round 2?
  12. Looking back at previous years, it seems that people who were accepted by UCLA knew by this time and were notified by phone/email. Rejection letters were sent out in March. That's not to say that some might still be notified or waitlisted, but I've pretty much accepted that it's not happening for me this time around.
  13. Wow congrats!! Guess I'm out. When/how did you hear?
  14. Anyone hear from CSULB yet?
  15. Anyone else here apply to CSULB?
  16. Nothing yet on my end (photography).
  17. Congrats! I was under the impression that UCLA didn't hold interviews for studio art, but looks like I was wrong.
  18. Nice work, Leah. Good luck with your schools.
  19. Nothing from UCLA. I'm pretty sure they don't interview (for the studio art program anyway) and won't be making any decisions until the first couple weeks of March.
  20. Ugh. Missing transcripts and letter of rec for CSULB. Thankfully they were nice about it and are giving me time to get them sent again.
  21. My work is also conceptual and I want to be able explore my ideas with photography, as well as other mediums if I so choose. I think your list has some good schools for that, especially Cal Arts, UCLA, Columbia and CCA. I'm not as familiar with the others. I agree with you about Yale. From what I hear, it is a straightfoward traditional photo program, with not much interdisciplinary practice. I remember Shannon Ebner once said that when she tried to expand to other mediums while in the MFA program there, that she felt like the black sheep of the department. She said that the other students and professors did not believe that she should be doing anything other than photography. That being said, things may have changed since then. Anyway, good luck with your schools!
  22. Hmm... Wolfgang Tillmans, Shannon Ebner, Amanda Ross-Ho, James Welling, Florian Maier-Aichen, Tauba Auerbach, Sam Falls, among many others.
  23. I went there for a year for undergrad and had to transfer because it was too expensive. I don't know if it's different for grad or not.
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