I'm the other wait-list for Pittsburgh. Same as littlenell, I got an email from the DGS. I emailed her with a few more specific questions and she replied that they make more offers than they expect to take (roughly 20 offets with an excpected 12), but that after a spot opens up in the 20, they can usually make another offer. It sounds pretty much like they have 20 spots and will make the offers to wait list people if they're turned down, but often late enough that they've made otehr plans. So at this point it's a waiting game. No one turns down an offer while they're still waiting for other acceptances.
I just graduated with a BA from a small college in Florida. My specialty's Victorianism with a focus on children's rights/labor, law, and technology (particularly toy culture). I'm also trying not to get excited. Pitt is my favorite program. I would love to find out how many wait-lists have been admitted in the past and when that happened. littlenell, sounds like we might have a few parallel interests--care to elaborate?