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Everything posted by WendyMoira

  1. Yeah, the funding is the main issue. I wrote and asked if they ever remitted tuition without a stipend. I mean, I'd be ok working a side job for year one instead of TA-ing, if I really loved IU. And I would much rather live there than in Austin. I really don't want to take out $15k in loans if I don't have to, though... I'm waiting to hear back on how the wait-list for first-year fellowships works, etc. I'll try to keep you posted, if you'd like. Do you know where you're going yet?
  2. Thank you for this, LadyT. I feel validated. I have 3 offers and will probably be declining one this week. The other two, though, are so close that I probably won't be able to decide until April 8 (UT's visiting weekend isn't until April 5-6!) I feel like a jerk for not letting the offers go, but I know I won't be able to decide without seeing the campuses and meeting faculty/current students, etc. Does anyone on here know anything about UT vs. Indiana-Bloomington? Input is much appreciated. On another (and more appropriate to this thread) note, I will probably be declining an offer from Florida sometime soon. Hope this helps someone out.
  3. sorry, coffeecurls, I must have misread--for some reason I thought both you and royo had gotten accepted. I hope I didn't sound insensitive. If so, totally a mistake. I'm really on the fence. I have an offer from UT and it sounds great, and to be honest, the funding is better. And UT is a little higher ranked. BUT, all I hear about is how amazing the Victorianists at IU are. And, I am also applying with a SO, who could be at Purdue, Wisconsin, or MIchigan (all of which: much closer to IU than Texas). Any advice? I don't want to take the offer just be closer to him, but if all other things are equal, I would definitely then consider geography. Do you happen to know anything about this waitlist-for-first-year-funding business? Or placement rates? Or really anything that could help me weigh these? I thought having options would make me feel like I had more freedom. I thought wrong.
  4. I'm so glad you posted this--hope, indeed! I'm between two schools, and one of them has me on a wait-list for first-year funding with full funding for the next five years. I'm really interested in that program but don't know if I can justify paying out-of-state tuition for even one year if I don't have to... I'm going to take a page out of your book and see what happens. *Fingers crossed!*
  5. I know what you mean. I'm looking at an offer from UT and it's much better, from what I can tell. I do love Indiana's kick-ass Victorianists, though... Apparently I was supposed to have received the same letter you did before my acceptance email today (still haven't gotten the wait-list letter; I had no idea). I'm told I'll get a more detailed offer letter tomorrow. I'll try to remember to post more specifics on the funding situation.
  6. Just got an acceptance off the wait-list. SO. EXCITED. I feel like I'm coming in really late in the game. Anyone know details on this wait-list for first-year funding, etc? Have they just had a visit weekend and that's why someone declined? Any details you all have would be great. Now I have a really tough decision to make...Texas, Florida, Indiana?
  7. Did one of you guys decline? Because I JUST GOT AN ACCEPTANCE EMAIL! Or rather, a "congratulations, you're off the wait-list-you-didn't-know-you-were-on" email. Happy dance!
  8. I second this question. I fact, I was just posting about it in a similar thread. I'm looking at an offer from a top-20 school and a wait-list from a #35--but the #35, as far as I am concerned, is a perfect fit. Do I dare?
  9. I told UNC-Chapel Hill that I wanted to attend the University of North Caroling. ...my brother has been asking me if I've heard from the elf school for a month.
  10. Texas is ranked 17; Pitt is 35. And yes, Pitt is my favorite because I love their children's lit faculty/program. In my head, it's the "perfect fit" school. That said, Texas has a couple people I would love to work with, and I hear their dept is especially open to sort of non-traditional specialties like mine. I'm sure I.l be happy at either one. Just sounding out others' opinions.
  11. I have been struggling with this same thing. I'm looking at funded offers from two schools (Texas and Florida) and wait-listed at my favorite program (Pitt--not definitively my first choice, but definitely favorite program). The admits I have are both pretty good, but I'm also applying with my SO, and two of his possibles are 3 hours from Pitt. Do I dare wait to hear from them? Anyone else experiencing something similar? There's also the added concern of the rank of the schools...
  12. royo- wow! impressive list. Congratulations on all of your stellar acceptances. coffeecurls--where else did you apply? I'm a Victorianist, too, but my specific interests seem to make me an oddball. Care to share? I haven't heard anything from Indiana (assuming it's a rejection), but I'm curious in general.
  13. Any news from other wait-listers? I really love Pittsburgh's program. Any admits that know you won't be taking their offer?
  14. I posted the rejection earlier. Not surprising, and it wasn't a great fit, but still a bit of a bummer. Good luck to those of you still waiting! I have heard they are still in decision mode.
  15. You, too, cquin! Sounds like a great deal for an MA. Did he say if it was a terminal degree? I can't tell from the site whether it feeds directly into the phd or not.
  16. This. I often look up theorists on Wikipedia, hoping they'll have the little pronunciation helper for me.
  17. That last one was probably me. I got the same call as cquin. So bummed because my lunch ended started just as the phone rang; couldn't answer with 25 eleventh-graders staring at me. cquin--any heads-up on what I should expect? Dobrin hasn't called me back yet, but I want spoilers! crystalleem--I'm not sure about that. I think they make you apply for their MA before PhD--no? I can't remember...
  18. Anyone want to claim that rejection? I thought UF sent everything in the mail, so I'm wondering if this is a new thing or what...
  19. I think that email had both English and rhet/comp. I remember hearing something like they made 20 offers, but I can't remember where. I could be entirely incorrect.
  20. Did you guys just check the website or get an email? I checked the site- no information.
  21. GauteAmFeminist and Thunderpaws- don't worry; I'm one of UT's admits (not in your field) and it seems Dr. Lesser doesn't love answering questions. I sent him a few. He answered some and told me to save others for the recruitment weekend. I try not to take it personally, because email communication can be so hard to read (especially with...ahem...people who didn't grow up with it), but I did feel a little put off. So don't let it bug you. I think that's just the way the DGS handles things.
  22. Congrats, pinkrobot! What's your area?
  23. I'm hearing crickets, too. I think they're notorious for getting back to their applicants really late in the year.
  24. I'm still "Under Review." I applied for an MA in lit. My SO, too, is still waiting
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