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    MA in Middle Eastern Studies

ADL's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Something I try to remember is that grad school is all about growth. If you walk into a room and you are the smartest person there then it's time to get a new room because those people won't challenge you and help you grow. I've also found that a huge disproportionate amount of my time is spent handling my freakouts. If I was more confident I would probably have more time to do work and do better in school. Conclusion: freakouts do not help - they are wasted time better spent studying to improve your grades
  2. Hey guys. I know myself and my stress and anxiety are much too high for me to handle a part time job on top of a full time graduate program. But every single person I speak to seems to have some sort of job. If it is not a paid position it's something that looks great on a resume. I feel so bad about myself for not being able to handle all that. I have enough money saved so that I definitely do not have to work during grad school but still, I feel like a child compared to these people. One guy is working a full time job, is a TA and is taking 9 credits. Another girl is working 20 hrs/wk and taking 15 credits (the average in my school is 12/semester). I'm not in an intensive field like law or medicine, I'm in a public policy program. Don't get me wrong, it's highly ranked and really difficult but still an MA is never as hard as a JD or an MD. Should I be feeling this bad about myself? Do many grad students work? Help!
  3. Hey guys. So I am only 23 but have been married for a little over 2 years. The job market has been tough so my husband and I are being completely supported by my family. While my parents arent complaining I do feel very guilty for not being able to find any job that pays more than a waitress (I have a History BA). My question is, am I the only married person completely dependent on their relatives? I'm asking because I am being incredably hard on myself for not being able to find a job and feeling incredably guilty for accepting their hard earned money.
  4. Hey so I have to choose between a degree in Middle Eastern Studies from Chicago University and a degree in Public Policy (focus on international relations) at the LBJ schoolat the University of Texas in Austin. I am inclined to go to Chicago University but I have a serious concern about being able to get a job with an area studies degree. Does anyone have any experience with getting a job with a Middle Eastern Studies Degree? Thanks!
  5. Come on guys don't leave me hanging
  6. Hi, I have a question. If every other part of my application is good (I have a good GPA (3.5), high GRE scores good recommendations etc...) how important are internships when applying to a masters program? My only experience with the Middle East is that I lived there for a year, speak hebrew and went on an archeological excavation there for a summer. I also studied a little about it in my anthropology minor and history major. I am looking to go into Middle Eastern Studies and looking at schools like Columbia University, Chicago University etc... if that helps. Thanks!!!!!
  7. Hi, I have a question. If every other part of my application is good (I have a good GPA (3.5), high GRE scores good recommendations etc...) how important are internships when applying to a masters program? I am looking to go into Middle Eastern Studies and looking at schools like Columbia University, Chicago University etc... if that helps. My only experience with the Middle East is that I lived there for a year, speak hebrew and went on an archeological excavation there for a summer. I also studied a little about it in my anthropology minor and history major. Thanks!!!!!
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