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Everything posted by JeremiahParadise

  1. Woot for distractions! I have just one section of advanced composition. Really hoping it keeps me distracted until my notifications come out. What about you? Anything exciting? Anything dreadful?
  2. Lolita and Herzog. As I expected, I'm really enjoying them. Wish I'd gotten to them sooner!
  3. No, but I did a few years back -- very relaxed/friendly conference, I found. Are you presenting? If so, good luck/enjoy!
  4. I was being flip, don't worry I don't think anyone who's been reading these forums/engaging his/her advisers would make that kind of statement in his/her SOP.
  5. And if any 2012 (2011, etc) applicants are lurking and would like to comment, that'd be great, too!
  6. I didn't mean to imply that the job was the only fruit of graduate school. Of course not. I just wonder about whether or not other applicants plucked that string in their SOPs -- one concerning the hellish job market awaiting us. I think a line about it is at least as valuable as a line about one's love for literature. And I think, to an extent, a sense of awareness about the field, broadly speaking, might in fact be valuable to adcomms.
  7. I gave it a sentence or two after briefly discussing my teaching, but I was definitely on the fence about it for a while. What about others with adjuncting experience? Did you discuss that aspect of the profession? Folks without teaching experience? Obviously, the SOP is supposed to be more about your research interests, etc., than anything else, but I'm wondering how/why others engaged or omitted this topic. Thanks!
  8. I'm surprised you'd expect anything other than obsessive speculation! It is January, is it not?
  9. That's what I'm thinking, really. I guess it's just hard not to fantasize at this point in the game.
  10. It came from the department's administrative coordinator.
  11. Hi, all: Today, I received an email from a program that asked me to pass along my official GRE scores ASAP. At first, I was afraid I'd just forgotten to submit them. Later, I checked the university's website and was able to confirm that the department requires only the unofficial GREs until offering admission. Now, here is the part where you chime in and tell me whether or not this seems significant to you. Feel free to be frank! This is the fun part of the game -- what do you say? Am I fool to believe that this might somehow be a significant email? Am I foolish to think that they maybe are interested in me because (1) they didn't throw away my application; (2) the department took the time to follow up with me about what most think is a pretty small part of the app; and (3) their damn website says they can't offer admission without the official scores but they're otherwise cool without 'em?? Phew -- well, what do you say? ------ Other folks, have you had anything similar happen? Do you want to know whether or not other gradcaf-ers think that something is meaningless or not? Let's GO. I think we could all use another distraction
  12. And that's what I was thinking! When I came to their online portion, though, I got all kinds of confused and just told them I'd mail it in. Woof. Thanks for the reassurance, though! Others?
  13. Michigan State folks -- are we looking at a separate "personal statement" from the "statement of purpose?" Or is it all one? I am lost!
  14. Same here. Meh/woof/ugh. I still feel good about everything else, I guess. Just a bit disappointed, really.
  15. Correct. Not sure what the person above is referring to.
  16. Hi there, Yes, I think this is the case -- I had somehow convinced myself that I'd be able to send everything electronically to the Graduate Coordinator, but I do not think that's possible. I plan to send out a package with all that stuff tomorrow morning. Woof. Can anyone say otherwise?
  17. This is GREAT news -- thanks for sharing, Trip. I've always loved (everything I've heard about) the CUNY program, but the average funding/teaching/time to degree was always an issue. Really glad to hear it -- and really excited to submit my application this week. Thanks again.
  18. Thanks for the luls Thanks for the tip. I've already got a shorter version; I'm just anxious about how it stacks up against my full version, which is going to other programs. Much appreciated!
  19. Last-minute question on UW-Madison's "Reasons for Graduate Study" or SOP -- they ask for 300-500 words. Do you think they'll read 900?
  20. It's simple as that, it seems -- well put, lolopixie.
  21. Definitely applying: Brandeis, CUNY, Rutgers, UT-Austin, UW-Madison, UC-Irvine, WUSTL Possibly applying: UNC-Chapel Hill,WUSTL, UMD, Notre Dame, BC, UC-Davis, UConn, UMass Area of interest: Postwar American fiction, aesthetics, queer studies, book history, and others.
  22. Hi folks, I've been teaching at a community college about 10 minutes from my home for about a year now. I started because I wanted to see if teaching is for me (it is) and, to some extent (though not much, of course), to develop my CV/resume for PhD apps this fall. Over the weekend, I received an offer from a state university (about 50 minutes away from my apartment) to teach this fall. Now, my question is this: Assuming there is any app/admission value in teaching experience at all, is it worth driving the extra hour to teach at this state university instead of my current community college? Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
  23. Andre Dubus' "A Hemingway Story" -- check it out and see what you think. You can do a lot with "meaning" and how we come to know works/ourselves over time; I think it's perfect for an intro classroom.
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