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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring
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  1. I was in the exact same situation a few weeks ago, (and what a long few weeks it has been!), and the best thing to do is to call/email the school that accepted you and ask for an extension. Tell them that you're still waiting to hear back from other schools, and they might even offer you more funding to aid your decision making! And while you're at it, also email the schools that you haven't heard from yet and ask about the status of your application and when their decisions will be made/or if they've been made already. Good Luck! You'll get through this!
  2. Thanks for your input booksnlooks! I actually know which program I would probably feel the most comfortable with, because its where I am for my undergrad now. But professors say its better to get your MA and BA from different schools to get more exposure so I'm incredibly torn. So right now my gut has picked my undergrad university, but everyone else is telling me to go for another university. Anymore thoughts on this?
  3. Try out this link! http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/business/buy-rent-calculator.html I thought it was pretty cool
  4. I'm trying to decide between the same schools! Except funding is a factor for me, but its not like I can't afford it if I choose the unfunded schools So I'm left with wondering, which school has the best program? Unlike the OP, I don't plan on doing a PhD anytime soon (although it may be an option in the future, but I just wanna start working soon and get some experience), so I'm wondering which program would be better for finding jobs internationally or in Canada after I graduate? I'm fully funded at Queens, and I'm waiting on TAship at UBC (they said they'll give me more details later, but they can't guarantee it so I'm thinking the chances are slim), and I could apply for TA at U of T if I choose to go there? Also, some people say its a bad idea to do your undergrad and grad at the same school, so this is also a factor I want to think about when deciding between the schools. What are everyone's thoughts on this???
  5. Hi everyone, so I called and asked for an extension and they gave 1 more week!!! And I'll still get the funding if I accept by then! =) Thanks everyone for your advice!
  6. good question, I was actually just going to send them an email, but now I think I should probably buy some chocolates... or is that too much? what does everyone else think?
  7. But for the conditions it states "This offer of financial support is conditional on your firm acceptance of it before Tuesday March 20, 2012." So that means even if I got an extension, I would lose my funding if I decide to accept after the 20th right? The other school I'm waiting on has started giving out offers on the 16th. Would it be bad if I accepted the offer on the 20th, and if my first choice school accepts me, I withdraw my acceptance?
  8. Oh and I need to add that if I don't accept by the 20th, I'll lose my funding So I guess even if I get an extension, I will lose my funding, so it's probably better for me to just accept the offer? But what if my first choice school accepts me after? Can I still back out if I've accepted the offer? ahhhh this is killing me
  9. Hi everyone, I've been accepted to my second choice school with full funding, but their deadline for me to accept my offer is March 20! I'm still waiting to hear from my first choice, so I was wondering how I should go about asking them for an deadline extension? And how long should I ask them to extend it to? Or will they give me a choice? Someone please help! I'm freaking out here =(
  10. Hi timssonkz! have you heard back from SFU yet? I heard back from them yesterday (16th) that I got in. Good Luck!
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