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About alicejcw

  • Birthday 11/24/1990

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  • Location
    St. Paul, MN
  • Program
    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. alicejcw

    Boulder, CO

    I'm on Sprint and had no trouble with service while I was there a few weeks ago
  2. I waited until I had made my decision to send cards, and I got little presents for my letter writers while I was at the open house for my future program. I got them fancy tea from a little local tea shop and wrote them personal notes thanking them for everything they've done for me. They all emailed me to thank me for the gift, so I think they definitely appreciated that I showed my appreciation!
  3. I missed your earlier post, but I'm definitely going to Boulder too! The open house was great, I couldn't believe how friendly and awesome all the faculty and current students were, and the campus was way more beautiful than I expected. Congrats on getting a summer job and good luck with your housing search! I posted a bunch of websites for property management companies in this thread if you want to take a look:
  4. I've been doing lots of research on housing, and thought I'd share some of what I've found. The graduate housing does look very reasonable, but I'd like to live somewhere with a little bit more character. Also, some of the apartments I'm looking at when I visit this weekend are closer to my program's building than the grad housing! I'm hesitant to look outside of Boulder proper because I'd like to avoid driving as much as possible. I'm used to being able to walk and bike everywhere I go, so I don't want to give that up. I've found some studios & 1-bedrooms in the $700-900 price range, so I think I'm going to try for one of those. I know it's more practical and cheaper to share, but I think I'll be a lot less stressed if I can come home to a place of my own every night. I may still change my mind though as I work out my budget for next year -- we should all be in touch in the next few months, maybe we can match up as roommates! Aside from craigslist and padmapper, I've found a few rental companies with online property listings. Here are links to some websites for them (no idea what kind of reputation they have, though). I'd really like to use the "Ralphie's List" search (http://ralphieslist.colorado.edu/), but it won't let me log in yet. http://www.bpmco.com/ http://www.accentrentals.com/index.htm http://www.matrixrentals.com/fallavailablelist.htm http://www.curent.com/ http://www.sunnysiderental.com/ One thing I've found with all of the realtors or property managers I've talked to so far is that they don't like to schedule showings for apartments more than a few days ahead of time. When I called a week in advance, multiple people have told me "call back the day before because it might be gone!" That makes it hard to plan ahead or make any decisions from out of state, so I'm really hoping my visit this weekend and being in Colorado for the summer will make my search easier.
  5. I'll be heading to Boulder in the fall for speech pathology, I'm pretty stoked on moving to Colorado! Looking at housing options is a bit daunting though, especially coming from the land of super cheap rent.
  6. Anyone considering attending CU Boulder this fall or planning to attend the open house on the 6th? I'd love to talk about the city, housing options, the program, etc!
  7. Mine came to my temporary(mailing) address, not my permanent address.
  8. Yeah, that letter thing is so weird - I read that others had received it on here and I didn't get one, so I just assumed that I had been rejected, or wait-listed at best. They really should have sent it to everyone and left out the "top applicant" part if it didn't mean anything!
  9. My last name starts with a W and I heard today, so maybe they're starting at the end of the alphabet? Or more likely there's no rhyme or reason at all and they're chuckling at our attempts to make sense of their methods.... Anyway, good luck! Sounds like you'll hear soon!
  10. Thanks honeybee! One is even better than I was hoping for, I hate how competitive this field is! Fingers crossed for you too!
  11. Got the letter from CU Boulder about an hour ago, I can't believe I got in! I had basically given up completely and was kicking myself for only applying to 3 (very, very competitive) programs, so I had a laughing/crying moment at work when I got the email. Now to decide if I can afford to fly out for the open house on April 6th... It's really silly, I was actually in Boulder on Friday for a few hours during a spring break road trip, and not letting myself think about the possibility that I might get to live there. So excited for Colorado!
  12. I am potentially interested in going for a PhD eventually because I love the research side of things, but I'd like to complete my masters and practice for at least a couple years before starting a PhD. I think having real work experience would be very very helpful in informing my research interests and giving whatever I end up working on a broader context.
  13. That's for sure! I'm packing right now for a self-imposed intervention, hopefully it doesn't backfire and make me even more neurotic... My friends are going to get reeeally sick of hearing about my grad school woes around the campfire. I thought I would have heard from at least one school by now!
  14. Penny Welch responded to my email just half an hour after I sent it, and it was a really friendly response! I get such a good vibe from the Vanderbilt department Anyway, she basically said that they have a new DGS directing the office (Dr. Ricketts), so decisions haven't been made yet. She's hoping to have decisions next week but can't be certain (sounds like they might go out later than we're expecting). She said I can email again next Thursday and she'll tell me if there's a decision for me. Phew, it's a relief just to hear SOMETHING, even though it's not a decision!
  15. Definitely! I realized that they don't have a phone number listed ANYWHERE on the department page, and although I found one by doing some digging through the Med Center directory, the fact that they don't list it makes me think they might frown upon getting phone calls. I was thinking of emailing Penny Welch directly instead, since she requested in one of her emails that we ask questions via email rather than phone. (the only downside is that then she'll know it was ME bugging her with silly questions ) Anyway, I'll let you know what I hear!
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