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Everything posted by belafish

  1. Many thanks for calling! Good to know, though I doubt it will stop me from obsessively refreshing my email in the mean time.
  2. Still waiting to hear from Russia...
  3. anyone want to call Rachel to ask about Russia? i fear i've already surpassed my limit...
  4. I just received a response from my Fulbright advisor. Unfortunately it doesn't offer up much information at all, but wanted to pass this on anyway for Russia Fulbright folks... Hi ---, They are emailing me as the students are being notified -- no news from Russia yet. I have only received a couple of country notifications so far, so I think the rest are still reporting. Let's wait a week and see. Thanks, --- On Fri, 23 Mar 2012, -- wrote: Hi Ms. ----, I am a finalist for a Fulbright from Russia and, like many others, am anxious and eager to hear whether or not I am awarded the grant. I was wondering if you have any information about when we will receive notification? During my interview with the Russian Fulbright commission I was told that they submit their list by March 1st. I'm grateful for any information you pass my way! Thank you, ---
  5. Has anyone been desperate enough to contact the Fulbright office of the country they are applying to in attempt to get some answers? I'm soooo tempted to send an email to Fulbright Russia (though I know final approval is made by the FSB) but I'm keeping myself from acting on this urge because it just doesn't seem like a good idea. These last weeks of waiting are worse than the 6 months!! I second the frustration of others constantly asking "Have you heard yet?!" I know the question is asked only out of concern and curiosity, but my family and friends should know that they will know as soon as I know
  6. While it's true that historically the earliest acceptances for Russia go out two weeks from now, we're getting our notification over email rather than snail mail... so really we should be checking out postmark dates (which is still almost two weeks from now, 3/23, but minus a weekend!). Also, I'm sure it takes more time to stuff envelopes and get all of the letters ready to mail than getting emails together, so that skims off at least a day or two, right? By the way, I'm pretty sure all of the Russia finalists had an interview, it's part of the decision-making process so they can access our language skills. My interview was less than a week after receiving the finalist letter, during which they said their decisions had to be submitted to the US office by 3/1... In good news, my husband is taking me on a beach trip for my birthday in a few days, so I'll have a distraction from my obsession soon enough!
  7. I was so excited when I read this! There is something nice about knowing that I will be able to find out the results more privately than my whole family checking the mail and concluding from envelope size. The hardest part about this whole thing, for me, is that I'm not the only one waiting... my husband and both of our immediate and extended families know I applied and are also anxious to hear whether or not I got it. I hope the email comes sooner rather than later! Rachel responded to my previous email saying that we wouldn't hear until April/May... that is sooooo long away!! Davushka, pelevinfan, what are you hoping to research? What made you pick Russia?
  8. I can't take the wait anymore!!! During my interview with my host country (Russia), I asked when we can expect to hear back and was told that Russia sends over their list to the US by March 1st. It kills me knowing that the decision has pretty much already been made but we have to wait at least another month for the US to finalize and process it... I'm so jealous of the candidates who get to hear via email in the next few weeks!
  9. I got a similar email telling me the committee will be making decisions by the end of the month and notifications will be mailed in early March.
  10. Congrats RusPNI (and everyone else, of course)!! I just received the good news, too! Recommended for a full grant to Russia
  11. I plan to be in Kazan for most of the time (that's where my affiliation letter came from), but hope to do some work in St. Petersburg and Moscow! I'm not sure if Fulbright will let me move around much, though. What's your project about, and what made you chose Russia?
  12. Just another applicant going a little crazy with this waiting game. I applied for a research grant to Russia, and I'm hoping to study how doctors perceive and treat injecting drug users in the country and the distinctions they make between IDUs and alcoholics. Anyone else applying to Russia? On another note, what is your backup plan if the Fulbright doesn't work out? I just submitted applications to three PhD Public Health programs... this is making my wait even more painful, though!!
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