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  1. hoggerjp - were you admitted to the IDEV program?
  2. Does anyone know how much attending pre-term in person in DC costs?
  3. Agreed, that is what I am thinking as well. I do not want to risk failing the test and being unable to participate in the IDEV program. The woman in admissions recommended I speak with someone in the econ group at the new admit open house on April 11th to get a better idea of what level of economics background they require. When I talk to them, I will try to remember to post what they say on here.
  4. Of course. I was definitely confused as well and uncertain as to whether Bologna was just where the people who weren't good enough to get into DC went! But after speaking with admissions they informed me that given my background and minimal experience living abroad (I studied on Semester at Sea during college and then lived in Latin America for 3 months) they thought Bologna was a good idea to build my international network and gain more experience living outside of America. This was one of my biggest weaknesses in my application and I was definitely worried my lack of international experience would lead to rejection from a lot of these programs, so it was nice to hear they did notice this on my application but provided me an option to build my resume/experiences instead of declining me. Also, I did say on my application, I was willing to do the Bologna program, it just was my 2nd choice after DC for 2 years, so it was not like they just gave me an option I did not sign up for. That said, I was accepted to IDEV and do not have a regional concentration. The whole Japan Studies thing does seem very odd....I would suggest that person reach out to admissions to find out the logic behind that... And who knows, maybe this is just the pitch they give to Bologna candidates Even if it is, I still felt as though the woman I spoke with in admissions had really taken the time (at least before our phone conversation) to review my background, essays, experiences, etc. in order to have a personalized conversation about my next steps. Hope that helps. Feel free to ask any other questions, I by no means have the answers, but have been speaking with a lot of people recently to try to help me make my decision.
  5. Sounds like we are thinking about the exact same things. I realized a lot of the reasons I was so set on SIPA originally was because of the allure of NYC along with the name brand recognition that comes with attending an Ivy League. Plus I really love their campus compared to SAIS' few buildings in DC and overall lack of a unified campus feeling. When I stepped back, I realized NYC will always be there if I want to go and these are superficial reasons for wanting to attend SIPA. Really, my decision should be made based on what I want to do after (which I have similar vague ambitions as you, which makes this even harder ) Just to further share some of my thoughts, I was originally very unimpressed with the accessibility and responsiveness of SAIS during the application period, where as SIPA was very impressive. However, since decisions have come out, SAIS has blown me away. I have already received an email and scheduled a time to talk to a 2nd year student and someone from admissions called me twice and had a 40 minute conversation with me to answer all my questions. It was a very personalized conversation and she knew my background and gave a very personalized explanation as to why I was admitted to Bologna for my first year. Granted some of this is just them selling the school to you, but I think it really reflects well on the level of attention you get at a smaller program (something I never really weighted heavily in my decision) but I was very impressed and realized how nice it is to have that.
  6. Wondering if anyone out there has taken the waiver examination to get out of the micro/macro intermediate economic requirement prior to starting at SAIS? I was accepted to the IDEV program and told I could take the test, but should I fail, I would be kicked out of the IDEV program and have to choose another path. Don't want to take this risk, but also was an economics major as an undergrad and took several econ classes. Just not sure what level the test is at.... Assuming I will play it safe and take the econ class in the pre-term, but wondering if anyone had any feedback? Likewise - looking for feedback on the language examination as well. What level of fluency is required?
  7. erry3779 - I am in the same boat. Applied to Int'l Finance program at SIPA. Seems they have a better course selection and from a finance aspect it seems NYC is the place to be....that said, I did hear a good piece of advice from IR alums that what matters most are the connections you make with classmates/professors as well as the experiences you have while at the program. It seems everyone has differences in opinion on how the two compare in terms of prestige, but at the end of the day they are both great schools and you can't go wrong either way. So I guess, for me, I am going to try really think about what I want to do and where I want to work afterwards, then look at the course selection, professors and their line of work, student body characteristics, opportunities while in school, etc. to make my ultimate decision. I still am VERY torn though.... and SAIS did confirm if you maintain a certain GPA your first year, you will receive the same fellowship award during your 2nd year, which is very tempting...
  8. jct329 -- Thanks for your quick response. I agree it is a great predicament to have and frankly feel silly for even being stressed about having two great options Appreciate your input - the majority of my experience is in the financial industry so I am not as well versed as to the international development community's view of the prestige of the two programs. I think I also need to reflect on specifically what type of role I would like to have after graduating as it will influence my decision in terms of job market and industry... Thanks!
  9. I was just accepted to SIPA and SAIS - Bologna; SIPA gave me no funding and SAIS gave me a $30K fellowship award. I am very torn because my heart was set on going to SIPA but it is hard to pass up the financial aid. I plan to study international development, with a focus on finance. I feel as though SIPA is the better program and location for this, but uncertain as to the difference in reputation amongst the two, especially considering I was accepted into the Bologna program as SAIS....not sure if this is less prestigious or competitive? Does anyone have thoughts or recommendations to help me in my decision? Thank you!
  10. Thanks - I wasn't sure so I just submitted by 11:59 pm on Jan 6th. Better safe than sorry. Thanks for the offer
  11. I am still very confused when it is due!! It is 630 pm Chicago time right now for me so is it due at midnight DC time, rather in 4.5 hours?? Or do I have all day on January 7th to turn it in? Please help! Thank you
  12. Okay thank you both, NObama and Mal83. I appreciate your responses very much!! I sent an email to admissions already and still waiting to hear back so figured I would post here in the meantime. Was just a bit unsure as SIPA and HKS applications very explicitly asked for quantitative experience. Happy Holidays and thank you again!
  13. I am applying to the MA program at SAIS and hoping to be accepted into the International Development concentration. They require completion of an intermediary economics prerequisite before entering in the fall, but I am confused as to where to demonstrate my economics experience other than in the section of the application where it only explicitly asks for Intermediary Macro/Micro course information. I was an economics major and took several econ classes, but none exclusively titled or focused on intermediary macro/micro but instead this subject matter was embedded in more specialized econ courses such as developmental economics, international economic theory, financial economics, etc. Does anyone know if there is a way to address and highlight my economics background other than just sending in my transcript, which is quite cryptic given the course code abbreviations? Thank you very much!
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