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rio-ne-ru's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Suddenly, I realize what makes a stellar SOP! Substance! Substance over style! If the essence of the SOP is meaningless, flowery words won't cover it. The problem is there is no clear standard to define meaningful SOP! We only know that stellar SOP has high standard!!!! Hahaha!!! Correct me if I'm wrong
  2. I'm still wondering what makes a stellar SOP. In mine, i begin my sentence with my area of specialization. After that I give a story on how I choose this subject and what kind of research I did before (undergrad thesis+publication+research experience with international research institution). Also, I only mention my weakness in one sentence and cover it with my strength. Seriously, I'm still wondering whether this is the best way to convey my feeling for graduate studies. Of course, I'm looking for perfection but it seems that it is impossible to achieve perfection.
  3. Strong commitment, consistency, well-informed, and the most important thing is you know what you want to do. In other words, have a vision on what you want to be in the future, find all visible paths, and committed to complete the path. I agree with theFez and collegeburn. If you want really know what you can do with law profession, find a mentor! A really good mentor who understand your passion and willing to nurture you so you can achieve your ambition. Have faith mate! and may the force be with you!
  4. My undergrad GPA is 3.3. My GRE scores are 94% for the Quant, 39% for the verb, and 11% for the AW. Also, I have 1.5 years research experience. However, it is a shame that I have published nothing from my research. Still waiting answer from 4 schools, but I don't expect too much from them.
  5. Now I understand why these words would pissing me off rather than make me feel better.
  6. I also apply to UWO and hear nothing so far. Maybe I should try email the graduate coordinator. Btw, which program you apply to?
  7. Anyone apply to Western Ontario MA in economics? I hear nothing from them.
  8. 5 straight rejection. Well, now I can understand why I deserve 5 straight rejection argh....
  9. I believe this week gonna be a good week for me! Bring it on, baby!
  10. Thanks both of you for the encouragement. This is my 2nd time applying for grad school. I failed last year because of bad test score. After that, I studied hard and successfully improve my score. Well, applying for grad school is both very exciting and frustrating experience. It is like a roller coaster with tremendous high and low. After cooling my mind, I am confident with my decision. I think this experience is very invaluable. Never before in my life that I have this much anxiety and excitement. Once again, thank you! I hope the best for all of you too
  11. Thank you for the words. Good luck everyone and never say die!
  13. I have an argument with my mother when she hears that I got 4 rejection so far. This is really frustrating, I just want to share my anxiety in waiting for reply from grad school. But... it seems she does not understand, I don't know what I should do anymore... Maybe it is better if I just keep my mouth shut after all.
  14. 4 straight rejection so far... sigh...
  15. I think Harvard send its decision via postal mail, and it will be bad if the mail get stuck in the international post office somewhere.....
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