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Everything posted by futurespeechie

  1. I think it just depends on how you use your SLPA experience in your personal statement. You would need to make sure that you don't give the impression that you've learned everything you need to learn by being an SLPA, because schools might be turned off if you make it seem like you already know everything about being an SLP. That's what I heard at least. SLPA can be valuable experience but just make sure you talk about how you can build on that experience in grad school and why it adds to your desire to pursue SLP. However if your only experience will be SLPA, I would suggest also doing some volunteer work elsewhere to diversify your experiences a little, but that's just my opinion.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/801304453293861/ So happy for everyone who is making it off the waitlist!
  3. Glad I'm not alone in feeling not 100% sure about the choice I made! I was accepted to a few schools (which I really didn't imagine happening and am super grateful for), and there were aspects of each school that I liked, so the decision was SO hard! I know that in the grand scheme of things I'll end up being able to work as an SLP no matter where I go so there wasn't really any "wrong" decision, but I keep hoping that I won't regret missing out on what the other schools had to offer. But now that I've made my final decision I'm trying to stop thinking about the "what-ifs" and focus more on what to look forward to in the fall! Congrats that we made it this far!
  4. I've taken both quarter and semester and while semester does feel painfully long sometimes, I think I prefer it over quarter courses because it also allows the courses to go more in depth at a good pace & more time to build relationships with professors, while quarter courses can feel sort of rushed and crammed with info. I also like the idea of taking less classes with having two semesters in a year rather than three quarters. I don't think one is better than the other though, just depends on what you prefer.
  5. @jmk Thanks a bunch!! I didn't know there was a study abroad option at SFSU--that sounds really neat!
  6. @Please_try_again thanks so much for the info. I was considering SJSU for a while but was leaning towards elsewhere because I didn't feel totally confident about the program there. Your info definitely helped! Would anyone happen to know about the program at SFSU?
  7. Sent you a PM with some questions I have.
  8. So I emailed about the requirements deadline and here's their response: "The COC is a requirement to be officially recommended for admission. Once you submit that requirement, we will finalize your recommendation for the University’s final admission. You have until April 15 to let us know if you want to come to SF State."
  9. I also received that email and it said the fingerprints etc. needed to be submitted by April 3. Do you know if submitting those items mean that were choosing to accept or is it just a requirement to be officially admitted and then we have until April 15 to decide?
  10. So I've been hearing that as long as you get your degree it doesn't really matter where you go, in terms of being able to land a job afterward. But I was curious whether the type of degree matters. For example I am currently interested working as an SLP in the schools so I am looking into a program that awards a masters of arts in education with a concentration in speech pathology. However, would that lower my chances of being able to work in the medical field later on if I wanted to?
  11. I'm from a very suburban town in norcal away from the bay area so I've been spoiled by having lots of space, so for the most part SF feels pretty condensed, or just really cramped, to me haha. But yeah it's mostly how crazy the cost of living is!! I'm lucky enough to also have been accepted elsewhere where it's a lot cheaper to live so if it came down to a decision, it'd be hard for me to justify choosing SF. I'd rather have the spot go to someone who really wants to be there in every aspect anyway. We'll see! Good luck everyone!!
  12. I am in the same boat where I am very interested in the autism program at SFSU, but the cost of living is soo high. I'm also not a city girl so condensed, busy cities like SF stress me out.. and I think grad school itself will be stressful enough as it is. So I'm also pretty sure that I most likely won't choose SFSU if accepted.. such a bummer because I really want to be involved in the autism program, but realistically I don't trust that I will cope well with being in the city. :/
  13. I applied to these schools. I'm not really expecting a response until April since it seems like that's when people got responses last year.
  14. I received the email invitation to interview on Jan 30. The interview was on Feb 12. I had to respond by Feb 6. Hope that answers your question!
  15. I also really like the problem-based learning style and I just got a very positive overall vibe from the people and program. I'd feel confident about getting a good education there and being prepared for the field. The only thing that is holding me back is that it obviously costs more than the state schools, so if I am able to get into a CSU it seems more practical to go there since it's cheaper. We'll see! I don't think I'll hear back from those schools until around April though. :/
  16. I'm from California and am waiting to hear back from some CSU schools. Have you been accepted to loma linda & planning to go there?
  17. I'm not sure how many people total were interviewed, I think I heard at least 100 but I could be wrong. It was 4 people to a group. If there were only 20 applicants it's possible they will interview differently. My first bachelor's was in psychology & human development, GPA 3.07. Second bachelor's in speech path GPA 4.0.
  18. Like stvspeech8 said, it was just a group problem solving task. They gave us a scenario that we needed to find a solution to and observed how we interacted as a group to reach a consensus. There were no additional questions besides giving a very brief, few sentences introduction about yourself. They explained a lot about the program and gave us an opportunity to ask questions, so be prepared with some questions to ask about the program. All in all just smile and be yourself good luck!
  19. Thanks! I am not sure yet since I'd like to hear back from some other schools I applied to first. I'm very attracted to the program though so if I do get accepted elsewhere the decision will be hard!
  20. Yes it was!! So relieved You are so sweet to hope that it was me. I wish you could have been accepted too! Hoping the best for you with your other applications!!
  21. I'm sorry to hear that! Not even waitlisted? Now I'm scared to check my mail...
  22. Someone posted an acceptance result today!! I haven't received anything in the mail yet so now I'm feeling super antsy!
  23. Haha I feel you! The days feel like they're passing by soo slowly. I just want to know already!!
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