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Everything posted by antecedent

  1. Has anyone here every applied for or been accepted to the LinguistList summer internship? I haven't heard much about it, but it sounds like a good opportunity to get experience in a different department over the summer between the first and second years of my PhD. The internship page says grad students can apply but the "Get Involved" page doesn't so I'm not even sure if I'm eligible. In any case, I'd be happy for any information, anecdotal or otherwise!
  2. antecedent

    Buffalo, NY

    Hey everyone, I have kind of a specific question about when to start looking for a place to live if I want to have an apartment for August 1st. I was wondering if anyone knows how far in advance apartments usually go up for rent in Buffalo? In Vancouver, for example, if you want to rent for August 1st you need to be looking at places July 1st or you're out of luck. In Edinburgh, though, new (and nice) flats go up for rent every week, so you don't need much notice to move in to a decent place. I'm planning on flying out to Buffalo for a few days to look for a place so I just want to make sure I come at the best time!
  3. yeah it's a requirement for me within the first year!
  4. Very much so. I'm trying to see it as the chance to make my own "home" for the next 5+ years. It helps that I have to switch my legal residency to my new state. I really am moving! I'm leaving my family and my friends from college on the West Coast to move to the East Coast, so I know it's going to be hard but hopefully soon enough I'll have friends and connections enough in my new town for it to feel like home.
  5. We're moving to Buffalo!
  6. Got the same thing from Maryland, finally. That was a long, disappointing process.
  7. I'm trying to 'just do my job' but it's hard to focus
  8. I was hopeful I'd get news this week but nothing so far...Friday, we meet again!
  9. Hey congrats Fuzzy, that's awesome! That's a huge relief, eh? Thanks for your story and your good vibes!
  10. I'm still not sure. At this rate I may be deciding on April 15th
  11. Does anyone have any inspirational stories about getting in off the waitlist that they'd like to share? I could really go for some distraction/delusion right about now...
  12. I followed Fuzzy's advice and emailed the DGS just checking in on the the list and reaffirming my interest in the program. It's the first time I've contacted them since February 24th so I don't think it's too annoying to send a short email just to check...fingers crossed!
  13. Aaaaah I see there was another UCSC waitlist notified yesterday! I'm curious what they said to you, so if you want to talk about it you should message me!
  14. Does that mean you're in at Delaware?? If so congratulations!!!!
  15. Another week of potential phone calls starts tomorrow! I try my best to focus on my work and not think about it, but it's hard. Specially when every day people want to know if where I'm going/if I've heard/etc. Just a few weeks left guys!
  16. Well things certainly sound promising for Delaware! But I know that can make the waiting even more stressful. I'm waitlisted at UCSC. I was notified over the phone by the DGS in mid-February, which was really nice. Apparently they don't do waitlists normally there so he wasn't able to give me a solid idea of when/how things would move along. He did say that the waitlist was only 1-2 people...but the program is only 4 people so who knows what will happen. It seemed like he was being intentionally vague when telling me about the list itself, which I guess makes sense if you're not sure what the outcome will be like. I have one other offer with a great department, but the location is not totally desirable for me. Santa Cruz would be closer to my family and friends so that's an additional, non-academic reason I'm hoping the waitlist converts. Their prospective student weekend was this weekend, so I can start nervously checking my phone ever 2 seconds again now.
  17. Did anyone else here get waitlisted somewhere? I thought I'd start a thread so we can hang out in the limbo space together. You might want to share information like: - How did you find out your were on the waitlist (email, phone call, etc.)? - Do you know any details about the list? - Do you have any other offers? - How are you feeling about all this right now? Or just ramble nervously if that helps.
  18. I wasn't interviewed or invited to the open house. The DGS told me my POI would be in contact to set up an interview but he never did, despite me sending two follow up emails (a few weeks apart). Were you interviewed/invited to the open house?
  19. It's times like this I regret not having an academia.edu page. I have an academic web page, it just doesn't tell you if you've been googled! Also I still haven't heard from Maryland. Womp womp.
  20. Holy shit, you are on a roll! I'm very curious to see where you end up. Good luck with the rest of your decisions!
  21. Was anyone on here one of the UCSC admits? I'd be interested in talking to someone who got in about their specialization/offer/etc. They are pretty much the last result I'm waiting on (UMD has stopped returning my emails) so I'm kinda just biding my time now
  22. I was just rejected at UCSD, which is both not surprising at all and a serious let down. This is what you get for letting yourself believe there is such thing as a top choice school. I thought it was best fit but clearly they didn't. Oh well!
  23. WAITLISED AT UC Santa Cruz :D I got a call from the DGS yesterday afternoon. I'm reaaaaaally hoping this pulls through! Respectfully, if you got in and you decide not to go, please decline ASAP so those (very few) of us who have been waitlisted have a chance of getting in!
  24. I just emailed the DGS & my POI at UMD making sure that their failure to interview me after saying the would is an indication that I have not been shortlisted. I'm sure it is, I just want to hear it so I can move on.
  25. Yeah, one of my applications that is pending sent out a acceptance on the board last week but I haven't heard anything yet. Fingers crossed!
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