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Everything posted by DoggieMom

  1. I empathize with you completely. After 7 straight rejections (including 2 I was SURE I was a lock to get in) I felt exactly the same way. In my case, I was lucky enough to get into a program I loved. But to emphasize what a crap-shoot this all is, I was accepted into one of the most competitive programs in the country, but was rejected from 2 programs that are not nearly as competitive, or well-regarded, or honestly that good. Go figure? I think a lot of it is luck with who makes up the committee on a give year. Or reads your app on a given day. Hang in there.
  2. Not me. Sorry if it sounded like I did. Still waiting for my rejection there as well.
  3. They've sent out acceptances and wait list candidates. I have seen this too many times ... just waiting for the formal no.
  4. I received 7 rejections (4 on one day) before receiving an acceptance from my #1 choice. You never know when things will suddenly have you feeling great!
  5. Never. If there is good news, you would have heard, if not, you will find out soon enough.
  6. Might try a read through this thread. Discusses this issue. http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=891969
  7. They sent rejections out by snail mail (got one). I don't think it would hurt to contact them by e-mail. Hopefully they are still considering you.
  8. obsess about outcome instead?
  9. Received a rejection today. It probably wasn't the best fit, but I can't help thinking that it is a prelude to more disappointment.
  10. Come on cafe-ers. More than 10 of you must have received something by now!
  11. Sorry about the typo in the title. My typing skills are deteriorating (due to stress?)
  12. I got an acceptance over last weekend (via e-mail), so was curious how normal that is. Thought a poll would be easier than sorting through the 1000s of results on the survey. Thanks for playing!
  13. A little away from PhD programs, but I know of a student who applied to Vet School and was rejected, and then was called right before classes started to join the program because someone had withdrawn and they had no one left on the waitlist to fill the spot! And apparently that has happened a few times. Conversely, there have also been cases when too many people accepted, the yield was too high, and they UN-accepted some students because they couldn't handle the numbers!
  14. Party time!
  15. The acceptance I received was an e-mail with just a text message. No links to click . It was also 2 pages long and entirely personalized. No form letter!
  16. <School name>: <department name> That was it. No hint of what was inside.
  17. Skip 25 vists to starbucks and pay the $100.
  18. Honestly, I doubt anyone could tell you your chances. It is a bit of a crapshoot, and a few random facts about you hardly gets a sense of how your application is going to be received. Good Luck.
  19. I have a friend applying as the same time as I am so didn't want to post my first acceptance in deference to them. They just posted themselves without telling me and got a fair amount of positive response. Now I feel silly for having waited, but would rather not say anything for now. I think I will wait until I hear back from some more programs (positively or negatively) before I give an update. I just don't see the point of posting every decision. A bit of a semi-rant here. Sorry.
  20. Results within a month? Not in the U.S except maybe in very rare situations. I would definitely not write to the department. That could definitely backfire. If they said March, you will have to wait until March.
  21. Get a P.O. box as soon as you get to the U.S. (you will need to show up in person) and then notify the schools you applied to. You can probably also tell the schools now not to use your old address. Don't worry about what they think, the adcoms aren't going to care. This is strictly a administrative issue.
  22. Sometimes a LDR is a good thing while in grad school. Less guilt over being apart while studying = more focus in school. Then when you do visit each other, the time is cherished even more. Just something to think about.
  23. Every time I "hear" a new message, I must immediately stop whatever I am doing to check my computer for the inevitable junk message. And I have taken to checking for the mail to see if it has come at the front door.
  24. passion fruit
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