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  1. Are you all applying for the Urban Planning Program? I am sure it also varies per department when they release their decisons. Is Urban Planning also part of the FFSEAS?
  2. I've been wondering about Columbia too. I have a feeling they don't have a specific release date.They release in the course of 4 months which is a torture. If you check last year's admission results from the uni, admits pop up in January as well as late April. We've got to be patient!
  3. @darknight Did you e-mail them about your status or was it just an automatic mass e-mail kind of thing? Why are you the only one who seems to have got it? Strange...
  4. I bet the only thing their office is doing today is answering phone calls about application status They are probably already regretting sticking to their rejection posting schedule if indeed there is one.
  5. Oh okay. Were you one of the three people who posted admits dated 7 and 10 of Jan in the results survey?
  6. Hi everyone, Does anyone happen to know what the deal is with Columbia FFSEAS? I mean when do they normally release decisions? Based on the results posted in the previous years, it could be any time between January and late April . Specifically, I applied to Electrical Engineering (phD). They have an Open House at the beginning of March which most of the admitted people would not be able to make so it seems as most of the results come after that.... Am I wrong? Does anyone have more accurate information about the admission decision timing of Columbia FFSEAS? Thanks~
  7. @shenter May well be. Considering how many people seem to be on edge about the MIT decisions and the absence of official rejects so far. Perhaps, someone thought it funny to start up the discussion on the possiblity of more admits again. If the result is genuine, I am ready to admit I was wrong. I would love to hear from the newly admitted person directly though.
  8. So much for "no more admits or waitlists, only rejects from now on".. unless it's somebody's idea of a joke....
  9. Okay, but still what stops them from posting the results on our websites right now? Don't get me wrong, I know there is no hope or anything but I am just wondering why it is taking them so long to say no to everybody. There must be a reason, just curious that's all
  10. I still find it odd that they haven't sent out rejection e-mails yet. What could possibly be easier than sending a mass e-mail to all of us? The only explanation is that they are still selecting the candidates to put on the waitlist. Although I agree, the chance to make it from the waitlist is non-existent.
  11. @dblsr I think there is even something worse than rejection >>> waitlisitng. Imagine hanging like that for another couple of months
  12. I am definitely counting on more admits. I suppose different areas may release results at different times...
  13. The three lucky and intelligent people who posted admits to MIT EECS today (10 Feb) in the results survey, can you please tell us which areas you are? Please, if you are reading this...
  14. Would tomorrow be the day, I wonder...
  15. People's comments when you are waiting for the admission results are just as unbearable as someone asking "How are you today?" every morning when you are down with a flu. I am coping the best I can and waiting for it to pass, for God's sake!
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