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Everything posted by pel

  1. Thanks for the info! That is quite right but I don't think they call people who don't live in the US and I didn't receive any e-mails whatsoever. So I guess there is still hope.... or I'm overly optimistic..
  2. Hey guys, I wasn't checking the forum during the past week because of work. Has anyone heard from Brown yet?
  3. Did you apply to comp lit or english programs?
  4. yale admissions committee is gathering together on monday. for those who have applied will hear from them by the end of this month.
  5. Well, judging from my experience with berkeley that was what happened. Some people got in, others who didn't were notified the week after. It is true that some schools do several rounds of application review and international students are usually notified earlier but I do live outside of the US (although not an international) and heard nothing. So my despair might just be as a result of my individual case.
  6. Yes, this is only for Complit.
  7. i don't know about cornell but stanford also contacted successful applicants...
  8. I've also applied to brown comp lit and heard nothing so far. But the fact that someone who got in received a phone call last week probably and unfortunately meant that they've already contacted people who were in. So they will most probably send out rejection and waitlist notifications early next week. breaks my heart but oh well.
  9. work + persian classes + gym keeps me away from checking my email every minute (for now)
  10. who heard from stanford? my heart is broken...
  11. The feeling gets worse after the first rejection.. just saying..
  12. Hey Aldousarendt, I was also rejected by Berkeley, but there are 8 other schools that I'm waiting to hear from. I'm sure I understand how you feel but there is still hope!
  13. http://www.princeton.edu/gradschool/about/docs/admission/admission_stats.pdf
  14. I graduated from a private ivy league college and there were a lot of TA opportunities especially for humanities students. I remember a few GenEd literature courses assisted by comp lit students but language courses were usually taught by a course head professor and grad students who were native speakers. I guess it all depends on the policies of the institution.
  15. Hey comparatists! Anyone heard anything new?
  16. I don't think a lot of people go straight to the results forum when they receive something... Most UC Berkeley comp lit results were out today and I only saw two of them on the board...
  17. same here.. will read a book tonight to forget about my applications.
  18. Well I didn't apply to Duke but didn't hear anything from Berkeley either. I'm assuming I'll be waitlisted or rejected... I think Brown results will be out soon.
  19. Congrats again! I didn't know you were doing classics..
  20. results board says that someone has been admitted to UC Berkeley Comp Lit. Who is the lucky fellow? And congrats!
  21. I'm not quite sure why it is taking so much time for schools to notify us and I wonder if there are people out there who receive unofficial news from professors,staff etc. I remember my friend who applied to a few programs 'unofficially' heard from a professor in late january last year.
  22. Cool! I've studied literature as an undergrad but took modern intellectual history courses to supplement my work on modern literature. I don't think I'll do a lot of philosophy as a grad student but I do think that relationship between literature and philosophy is very intriguing, especially studying the ways in which philosophers write and organize their thoughts.
  23. Vordhosbntwin, I've applied to most of the schools you chose. Hope we both get into all of them and discuss which one is better What are your interests?
  24. I'm a modernist, with a focus on modern and contemporary novel but am planning to do interdisciplinary work across languages (I have 4) and various media (fiction, modern art and film). What about you?
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