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    Ph.D. in Political Science

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  1. According to the results page, some GradCafe users have been accepted at South Carolina. If anyone wants to chat about the program, send me a PM.
  2. Glad to hear that you are still considering it, grantman. I lived in Toronto for six years, and think that studying there would be wonderful. Please keep us informed as to your decision.
  3. I have accepted an offer from South Carolina. I am extraordinarily excited for the future! If anyone else in this forum decides to attend there as well, drop me a note. We should get together.
  4. So long as you do well on it, you should be fine. (If you think that you might need to retake the exam, however, it would be better to take it earlier in the year.) I sat for the GRE in mid-October, and received my scores well in advance of application deadlines. Scores should be posted even faster next year, as ETS will have a better sense of how to score the exams.
  5. I know that they just received word about fellowships. Perhaps know that they which of their admitted students have secured those, they can then notify other students about graduate assistant positions.
  6. I only had one math course, and one stats course when I applied. But then, I get into mostly lower ranked schools. Also, I had a 750 on the quantitative section of the GRE, and come from a pretty tech-heavy background. (I am not sure if that last part helped, but ad coms might have reasoned that if I can program in Python, I can probably handle R.)
  7. Since some people are suggesting an autodidactic approach, I wonder if we can establish a list of good online resources for independently learning math and stats. I know that there are some good materials available on iTunes U, and I have found Khan Academy to be helpful for some things. Perhaps there are some more obscure, yet equally beneficial, online offerings out there. Would anyone care to suggest some? (Yes, I could google for them - but I thought that raising the issue here might provide some benefit to others as well.)
  8. Congrats! As a Washington native, I can tell that the area around Pullman is quite beautiful.
  9. Quite. I would go one step farther: I wish that every school that actually rejected me sent me a letter. NU, I am looking at you.
  10. For what it counts, I would agree with Sparky here. Need-based aid comes from an entirely different pot. Also, the FAFSA will be read by people in the bursar's office, and from what I understand - and I once worked in admissions - the lines of communication between individual departments and the financial aid staff are virtually non-existent. While I understand your concern, you have nothing to worry about here.
  11. I thought about doing this for a while, but decided to use a low tech approach instead. I placed, in a hallway, a large map of the United States. I put large pins in the city of each college to which I was accepted. Next to the pins, I have placed large sticky notes where I write down the pros and cons of each school as they come to me. This is probably not the most effective means of comparing programs, but it gives the whole process a road-trip-esque feel.
  12. Oh, I hear you. I spent two years interning and then working for Congress, and that experience certainly colored my view as well. I was surprised at the ignorance so regularly demonstrated by those who called their local representative.
  13. Having worked in a call center once upon a time, I can only but agree. That type of work does not lead to an optimistic view of your fellow man/woman.
  14. I too will still be around, birdy. I am rather interested in where everyone decides to go. The lot of you are, after all, my future colleagues in the profession.
  15. Quite right. It shall be remembered in the annals of the field.
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