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Everything posted by tli

  1. Just called the admissions coordinator at Berkeley and was told that decisions have been entered into the system already, and they should be notifying the applicants very soon.
  2. I applied to Quantitative methods and evaluation... Do you happen to know how many students do they usually admit per each program?
  3. GradInEducation, my other options are UCLA, UCSB, HGSE, Teacher's College, MSU, Boston College, University of Minnesota, Vanderbilt
  4. fstni, which program within POME have you applied to?
  5. 2Eudaimonia, yes, I applied to Ed.D. in Measurement and Evaluation.
  6. GradInEducation, yes, I have just noticed that as well...this is for the master's though, right?
  7. 2Eudaimonia, could you please let us know which program you applied? Thanks!
  8. I applied to the same program. No, I haven't heard from them. Could you please post here when you hear from them? I will do the same. I am incredibly nervous, as this is one of my top choices. Good luck us!
  9. GradInEducation, I also applied to PhD in POME. Which program did you apply within POME?
  10. wannabeaphd, good luck with your acceptance to USC! On UCLA, last time I checked with them, they said that they would probably let us know some time in early March. But after I read the keepswimming post, I started thinking that maybe they started notifying the successful candidates earlier...
  11. keepswimming, congrats on your acceptance to UCLA! This sounds amazing! I also applied there to the PhD in SRM, but haven't heard anything back from them yet... When I called. the program cooridnator told me we should hear from them some time in early March... May I ask which program you applied to?
  12. lilgreycells, could you please post when you hear anything from the QPAE program? I will do the same. I've seen in the "results search", that in 2010 people were notified of the decision on the program somewhere around Feb. 26.
  13. Hi Airwick, I applied to the HGSE as well, to the PhD in QPAE by Dec. 14 deadline. According to their web-site, the results will be made online by Mar. 26.
  14. Thanks, lilgreycells and congrats on getting an invite for the PhD weekend! You and HigherLearning were right, Penn posted on their blog that the invites had been sent out... BTW, have you applied to the PhD in PREM at Penn?
  15. Guys, has anyone heard from Penn GSE? I have seen people start receiving email invitations to the Ph.D. weekend. Although, Penn GSE admissions blog said the invitations will be emailed within next week only...
  16. Hi everyone! I applied to the HGSE Ed.D. in Quantitative Policy Analysis. Has any one else applied there?
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