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Everything posted by Isidore

  1. I'm definitely going - how could I pass it up, being so close? While I walked into the ALA last year without registering, I'm assuming everyone actually does have to register for something like the MLA.
  2. Well, I informed BC last week that I had accepted an offer from another school, so here's hoping my fellowship goes to you! Good luck!
  3. Hey friend! I'll be joining you! Congrats on getting in!! I'm very excited - and already freaking out about finding an apartment. My partner and I are looking for a place in Northampton (we fell in love with the town when I went for my interview), but it seems that it would be a lot easier (and cheaper) to find something in Amherst. Seems like Northampton is getting more desirable - and more expensive. I'm crossing my fingers right now, since I need to keep my job through the summer, but I made a compromise with my partner that we could live in Northampton since he will have to commute an hour and a half to work, and this will only be bearable if he has a cool, crunchy town to come home to (I didn't get to check out the town of Amherst, though, so I can't really judge). I've been looking primarily on Craigslist, since all the local realtors list their properties on there anyway. Also, the UMass Off Campus Housing website has listings of both apartments and students seeking roommates: www.umoch.org PM me if you want to talk about any other details or specifics - will you be attending the week-long "teacher training" in August?
  4. My status still says that my application is under committee review. I will most likely be accepting another offer, but I'm still weighing my options.
  5. Just received an e-mail stating that the Graduate Program is still "very interested" in my application, but that I am on their waiting list for a teaching assistantship (they do not admit students without funding). Perhaps this means that those who did get a TA will be hearing very soon.
  6. Perhaps I'm lonely for my NJ friends, perhaps I'm decoding your signature incorrectly (likely), and perhaps I'm just procrastinating at work and going a bit crazy and cryptic, but behold, The Boss, singing about a (geographical) place I think of with equal fondness (largely due to said friends, as well as a certain academic institution) and approbation (largely due to the fact that nowadays "down the shore" everything's Snooki-ized) : www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytpfLy-P2fs&feature=related --- sunglasses to be worn on the boardwalk. Nota bene: many of the New Brunswick "hipsters" and artsy type are migrating down to Asbury Park (the last true, nearly unstained by MTV/reality TV shore town, and home of The Stone Pony), along with herds of ex-Park Slope residents. I considered moving down there during my undergrad, because the commute isn't bad at all - also on the train line to NYC. Just another cool place one might consider living if one were to attend an academic institution in Springsteen's home state.
  7. Not to nitpick - bit Dinosaur Jr. should really switch names with The Boss, geographically speaking...
  8. I I did! I missed the call though, so waiting to hear details...
  9. Just got an e-mail from the department - I'm on the wait list...
  10. Intriguing... do elaborate! I didn't get any. And Stately, thanks so much for sharing about your visit! I was on campus for my interview with the Writing Program, but had to leave almost immediately after due to a family event. (I think I spent more time in Northampton that day than on the UMass campus.) I really want to plan a day-long visit, but have been putting it off due to some craziness at work. Now I feel like I really should force myself to find the time to go. I certainly think about it enough... I haven't really been in touch with anyone from the department - I'm really new to this, and I guess I'm wondering what to ask, or what I would talk to faculty about, at this early stage (???) I feel kind of dumb wondering; maybe I'm still in disbelief that anyone in the department is actually interested in my work. It's great to hear that the graduate students are so happy, and not overwhelmed! I was a bit nervous about the whole TA thing, since I've never taught a course before, but after researching their writing program and interviewing, I feel like there is ample support for new grad students/TOs. I'm sure that if I were entering with my MA, or had some teaching experience, their week-long training program would seem like a drag, but as a rookie, I'm actually pretty happy about it.
  11. I don't have an MA. It seems strange (and pointless, perhaps) that they would offer someone with an MA a spot in a terminal MA program - but I'm very new to all this and am wondering a bit myself about when and how often graduate students transfer to other institutions. If you were really excited about BC's program, would it be worth it to transfer (probably a measly portion of) the MA credits you've already earned just so that you could finish with their degree? I mean, it seems that earning 2 MAs in the same discipline would be a bit of a waste. Obviously, I'm unable to offer any insight... sorry! I'd be interested to hear what they have to say about it. But congrats on your acceptance - I'm thinking it's something to be proud of, even if you do already have an MA - I'm sure they would have admitted both of us into the PhD program if their cohorts weren't a ghastly small number (4-5?!)
  12. I don't have a TV either - PBS.org has all the episodes for FREE! Just watched the first episode of season 2 - a glorious 2 hours long. But you'd better get going - I just noticed that the free viewing will only be available until the 7th. There goes my reading project for the rest of the day...
  13. I filed my FAFSA with estimates, and my taxes will be filed this month. Will this postpone any decisions when it comes to my aid? i.e., will they wait to determine funding until I have updated my 2011 tax information?
  14. Nothing yet... and my status on the application website has not changed. This is making me SO anxious. Sorry to hear your bad news, anxious. At the moment, I can't say I'm feeling too optimistic myself.
  15. Looks like there were only TWO PhD acceptances on the results board last year... coincidence? I hope so! AND, although the 2 acceptances from this year noted a fellowship, according to the department website, all English students are fully funded, and "As of 2011, entering MA and MA/PhD students earn $19,384, while PhD students start at $20,396, but can increase their salaries up to $22,676." So, do they only admit students to whom they are able to extend this "fellowship" (which I perhaps mistook for their regular "package")? I've been so excited about the prospect of studying medieval lit. at UConn (although moving to Storrs? I really don't know...), so I've been trying to hold out some hope, but at this point I don't know what to think!
  16. Just got an e-mail that I've been accepted to the MA program with a "scholarship" for the first year (with the "eligibility to compete" for a teaching fellowship in my 2nd year) - I would have been tempted to take them up on it just to be able to stay in Boston, but after visiting Amherst and the surrounding areas, I'm thinking it's just not worth it. Hopefully it will go to someone who has their heart set on BC...
  17. Drove out to Amherst yesterday morning - my interviewer thought I had been scheduled for a phone interview, so I think I caught her a bit off guard when I showed up at her office door. I think everything went pretty well, and agree with what everyone else has said about the interview being pretty low key. Trip - you're totally right about the website making one feel caught in comp/rhet hell - and I was informed that the entire week before the Fall semester begins would be "completely booked" by the teaching orientation - but since I haven't taught before, I'm glad they offer so much support and so many resources . I was assured that the program is designed to ensure the success of people like me, with no experience. After the interview, my partner and I drove over to Northampton and absolutely FELL IN LOVE with the place. Reminds me a bit of Burlington - crunchy little town with plenty of vegetarian-friendly restaurants, theaters, vintage shops, etc. I'm just glad I was preoccupied while Harvard was happening...
  18. And yeah - their website is SO thorough, I'm wondering what kinds of questions I could possibly ask without looking like I didn't do my homework...
  19. Thank you - your post put me a bit more at ease - and it made me laugh. I'm sure everyone walks away from an interview feeling somewhat like a blockhead - I hope I'm just relieved enough to have a celebratory drink afterward (um... before noon? sure!) and forget about what I might have said. I wouldn't be so nervous if I had any teaching experience to speak of. It sounds like you did quite well - congrats, and maybe I'll be seeing you in the Fall!
  20. katelynann - Thanks for the interview feedback! Mine is tomorrow, and I've been nervous all day. The Writing Program website (which I've been reading frantically all day in "preparation" for the interview) definitely makes it sound like they only interview admitted candidates - and not even all of them. So, I'll bet you're FIRST on the waitlist - almost as good as IN - and they just wanted to interview you because odds are you'll end up getting an offer.
  21. Congrats! Trying to stay hopefull...
  22. Total bluff... Happy B-day, deebee! Don't frown - you got into NYU!
  23. So - someone posted an acceptance today... it made my heart stop... I haven't heard anything! Congrats, whoever you are!
  24. I feel like I'm in some twisted version of Requiem for a Dream - you know the crazy sped-up addiciton parts? That's me today: do 10 minutes of actual work, check phone, check e-mail, growl at coworker, check grad cafe, pull out hair, repeat (insert appropriate sound effects). This is SICK.
  25. Stately - CONGRATS! Sounds like a great offer - how exciting!
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