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Everything posted by womp_womp

  1. Yeah I just wanted to get a quick feel for the student population at a couple of programs. Thanks!
  2. Heyo - Does anyone have a link to the website that has admissions rates for each program?
  3. Word. It does make art stars, but they all seem to be very, for lack of a better term, vanilla haha Plus one current student has been in a Whitney Biennial. It seems to be a place where artists who are already pretty well known go to get even more well known. & hang out/collaborate w each other & the faculty.
  4. Haha def not a painter - new genres, video, performance - all of which I know UCSD has an amazing record with, but I love the heavy critical aspect of the program at UCI (not that that's not at UCSD), amongst other things, & it's closer to LA, where I currently reside. My partner and cats would stay here so while we've discussed how it's going to work if I go to UCSD, UCI is still a program I'm super interested in.
  5. Any acceptances to UCI yet? I feel like someone else posted something about already having a great offer but really wanting to hear from all of his/her top choices before accepting anything, and I'm in the same boat. Womp womp indeed.
  6. I'm pretty sure USC interviews the candidates that will be both wait listed and admitted. The others I'm not so sure about but oftentimes not hearing anything when others have been both admitted and rejected means wait list! Which is good on one hand but can be a whole different type of extended torture on the other haha Good luck!
  7. I called and was told that they were still figuring everything out. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some news :/
  8. Honestly people who got into programs and then are asking if anyone knows anything about said programs is sort of offensive. It's grad school, bros. Come on.
  9. Some schools do, some schools don't. You can always email and ask something like "I'm aware that notifications have gone out & am wondering about the status of my application blah blah still very interested blah blah etc."
  10. MIT rejection too! It's amazing how whatevz rejections feel when you've already gotten into a rad program. & to those facing the possibility of not getting in this year (esp if it's not your first round), don't give up! This was my third time & first time applying to UCSD. It has to be the right program.
  11. Rejected from UCLA via email. w007.
  12. Has no one else here been accepted to UCSD? I'm a little nervous about the whole meet & greet dealio on April 6th & 7th - It'd be nice to be going in knowing someone.
  13. Congrats! Sick program.
  14. via email or snail mail? & sorry brah
  15. I got a call last Friday, but I still haven't received any email notifications or application status changes, which I was told was going to happen this week. I heard rejection emails already went out for some, so I'd assume not hearing yet is a good thing?
  16. Yeah that's totally part of the logic, and some schools do notify most people that they've been rejected but keep a small buffer of maybes it seems? Last year I didn't hear from my two top choices till after April 15th, which while totally annoying, I couldn't do much about as I hadn't been accepted anywhere else. One thing also to remember about this particular admissions process is that we are applying right before/after the start of a new semester/quarter. Professors and those in admissions and financial aid are dealing with their regular jobs, sometimes accepting undergrads, and us, and the smaller the program, the less people to do everything. Not that that makes any of this shit easier, unfortunately.
  17. Yup, but I know from experience that it doesn't mean you're not wait listed haha Last year straight up rejections came around the 26, so we'll see? I'm gonna give them a call tmrw or Monday as I already got accepted somewhere and want to gauge where I am, so I'll post if I learn anything.
  18. There's a second year MFA show @ UCI tonight for any locals who want to see what's going on there, FYI.
  19. UCI candidates were already notified of interview requests.
  20. Accepted to UCSD! Via call! A run down on funding, TA, etc. So pumped. This is definitely my top choice.
  21. It's 2-3 per focus, so it pretty much balances out.
  22. New Genres accepts 3 I believe. As far as working autonomously, it's pretty similar to a lot of other grad schools I've looked into - You're constantly around your peers because of the studios and have access to all of the faculty, regardless of their concentration. Not sure about the number of crits per week, etc, but it's def a do-your-thang, not-for-lazies type of program, which I think is fairly standard? The faculty's super solid, so if you're into their work, it'll be good for you. I work for a visiting faculty member who's totally amazing, and he's into it. I feel like the technical info on classes, etc will be on the website somewhere. Good luck!
  23. From what I remember from the info session, they only interview if they have questions to ask. They're interested if you get an interview, but I don't think they're necessarily not interested if you don't.
  24. It's so they have all of the financial info in for those who are accepted before the last minute (I feel like financial aid starts doing its thang before April 15) & so they have it for the final decisions/working out offers.
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