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    International Relations

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  1. nope, none of the schools you mentioned have on-campus interviews. The only IR school I know of that does is Tufts Fletcher School and those are optional.
  2. Will it help you? Yes. Is that a good reason to sign up? No You should ONLY sign up for TFA if you really, really, really want to be a teacher for two years, even knowing that it's really, really hard. I'm only saying this as a former corps member that did NOT know what they were getting themselves into and was fairly miserable the whole time. Everyone's experience is different, but please do not confuse TFA with a fun resume-builder. No one should be encouraged to do Teach For America as a means to an end.
  3. For what it's worth, American is really on its way up in the rankings. I think a degree from there will probably increase in value over time. I had a friend who went there for undergrad and loved it. I also think the internships/professional connections you will get in DC could be at least as important as the degree, if you're worried about employment upon graduation. I chose another DC school, but I was accepted to American as well and they REALLY impressed me. Before I had even made my decision, they called me to offer me an internship with Save the Children. I thought that was super cool.
  4. Oh no! That's not what I meant at all! It wouldn't bother me if any woman (or any man for that matter - my post was gender neutral) was aggressively dating in grad school. I just know that actively seeking a relationship can be REALLY distracting for myself, personally, and that hunting for a boyfriend in grad school would almost certainly be a trade-off, where I wouldn't be as focused on my program. And if I was being so aggressive out of the fear that this was my LAST CHANCE for happiness, that would be too bad, because I think that would be a misconception that might make me miss out on some of the reasons I am going to grad school in the first place. That's not to say I don't find dating a satisfying, stress-relieving activity, which is why I stated that I wouldn't be opposed to it if it happened naturally. This is theoretical for me anyway, as my boyfriend of a number of years will be relocating with me and our dog. That being said, I can totally visualize a situation in which a person, male or female, who was insecure and constantly needing validation from a string of meaningless yet dramatic grad school flings, who was throwing off the group dynamic and constantly redirecting attention from the subject matter, could be super annoying in close quarters. However, I don't think that has anything to do with perpetuating a stereotype.
  5. I love wedges for dressy and comfortable and they're in style right now. I live in Florida (went to and work at UF) and graduate students typically don't dress up for class (see: the heat) because dress clothes in Florida are basically are the same as in the north: dress, slacks, or skirt with blouse (get some short sleeved blouses that go over camisoles and you can take them off when walking outside. You won't normally be hot inside - Floridians live and die by air conditioning).
  6. I don't think there's anything wrong with dating someone in your program, if it naturally happens, but I also wouldn't treat grad school as a matchmaking service. I wouldn't want to miss out on all the things my grad school has to offer by being stuck in the mindset that this is my "last opportunity to meet a large group of intellectual and ambitious people at once." After all, grad school is WAY more expensive than eHarmony.
  7. You've been accepted! They just haven't gotten around to sending you the letter yet. Congratulations! They often update the website before the letter goes out so that they can link you to the acceptance decision in the e-mail.
  8. There's nothing odd about hand-delivering a card. I think giving presents is kind of awkward because it seems almost like a bribe, but there's nothing wrong with cards and I think personally delivering them would be a nice touch.
  9. Today's the deadline to accept a lot of programs. I suspect there will be a flood of people getting off the waitlist soon.
  10. I mailed nice thank you cards right after my recommenders sent in their letters. When i heard back from schools, i e-mailed to let them know about my acceptances, and then sent a short e-mail update when I finally picked a school. I will probably send them postcards from the school once I move in the fall.
  11. I am so ready to leave my job but I need the money so I will be staying for the summer. My boss wrote me a recommendation letter, so has known for 6 months, but I have yet to give them a definitive date and I know they want one. I think they expect me to leave in August but the program i accepted turns out to start at the end of July. I keep feeling less and less motivated, and moving up my last day in my head haha.
  12. My SO is also finishing his Masters in June and I start mine in August. Although it was the only way to do it for us, I really wish we were both either in school or working. It's been really hard to be at work all day and then have to go to bed early, when he is busy at night and tends to stay up later (sometimes partying) with his grad school friends. I warn him that it's my turn next year!
  13. When I accepted a school, I had to sign a form stating that I had not accepted or deferred any other schools for the duration of the program
  14. I am from the US and I have heard of this school, and believe it has a great reputation. I have a friend who just graduated from SOAS and feels she made a great choice!
  15. UF is a better school and you could do in one year what it would take 2 to do at FSU for the same price. Go to UF!
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