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Everything posted by MattDest

  1. You are on fire! Congratulations!
  2. I see some WashU rejections, but no sign of any acceptances. I wonder if there just aren't any acceptances posted, or if they are working the other way around.
  3. Congrats to her! It must be both a blessing and a curse to have someone going through the paces with you.
  4. 12:01 am. Source: This is when most scheduled executions happen.
  5. University of Missouri, St. Louis and San Francisco State are still accepting applicants, and have funding available also.
  6. Is there still time to apply to MAs? You might be able to.
  7. *EDIT* Try refreshing, it shows up for me.
  8. I really, really doubt it's fake. It's interesting that this person's report is backwards from how it was previous acceptances, though. Last year, people were notified by phone and then were e-mailed with more details (at least according to TGC).
  9. Congrats to that person! Hope there are more coming down the pipeline.
  10. I hear you about Northwestern! But don't dismay over just one place. We still have a long haul ahead of us. Would you mind sharing your AOIs?
  11. Thanks. This is very helpful, I was just curious. Congrats again!
  12. Congratulations! Do you mind sharing your AOI?
  13. Yeah, I got invited to grad prospective weekend and was told that my chances of acceptance were "good". Aquinasduo (I think) earlier said that they send out two rounds of e-mails, and those e-mails are divided into acceptances and wait-lists. So, I'm not really sure how to categorize it.
  14. It's easy to say that when you have an acceptance. As someone who has one pseudo-acceptance, all I want is one legitimate one.
  15. You have two acceptances already? I hate you.
  16. This is how I felt, too. I applied to schools I would be willing to attend. Like others have already said, I think that applying too narrowly to schools you see as a *fit* might unnecessarily limit the room for you AOIs to grow, or for adcoms to interpret how you might fit into their department (especially if adcoms and applicants don't always see eye-to-eye on fit, which seems possible). There are plenty of other prudential reasons to apply narrowly, however, as many applicants can't afford to apply to broadly, wouldn't be interested in living in certain areas, etc.
  17. Wow, amazing - congrats! What are your AOIs? The NW admits have be constantly refreshing my e-mail. This one will sting a bit!
  18. Also, congrats to that Wisconsin acceptance! Come on Wisconsin, send me an e-mail.
  19. Do you worry about downvotes on Reddit?
  20. MattDest

    Plan B?

    I will probably re-apply. As heart-wrenching as it would be to wait an additional year, I have a wonderful spouse that is happy to support me while I pursue this. I'll have a thesis completed that I could use as a writing sample (if it turns out to be any good), and I could use the year to try and get something published and/or get an adjunct position with my MA. It wouldn't be the worst of all possible worlds, I could move somewhere warmer for a year.
  21. Wow, congrats! Do you mind sharing what your interests are?
  22. Here comes Wisconsin-Madison. Congrats to the admit!
  23. Do you have any additional information about this process? I seem to be in the latter camp, and was told my chances of admission were good. It seems like the campus visit is going to be after they have already decided admissions, is that correct?
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