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Everything posted by shavasana

  1. Thank you so much! I am the eternal self-deprecator. (I spent the greater part of December and January lamenting that I would have to go through this process again.) I can't tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement! I take it as a great compliment that people with your records are congratulating me. Just my personal opinion, but Pearlman, Spruyt and Reno are AWESOME. (I'm an NU undergrad.) Also someone you didn't mention at NU is Caverley (I'm biased as he's my advisor) but if you have any interest in feminism as a component as identity, he knows a TON about feminist theory and int'l security. I've had the opportunity to work with each of these profs and they've all been better advisors that I could have ever hoped for (and for an undergrad!). I hope that helps people when deciding schools. The NU faculty is exceptionally available for students and takes a lot of pride in their training and advising which I think is a large strength of the department.
  2. @kombucha They said that the official letter was in the mail, so I guess they sent them out the old fashioned way. I just got a couple of short, informal emails last nights about Yale. As a side note, I LOVE KOMBUCHA. (Yet another thing that reveals my true nature as a hippie yoga person.haha)
  3. I got some advice from my advisors: "Screw what subfield you are. They'll put you where they think you should go if they want you." So I just kind of applied to whichever subfield I thought the school was strongest in. Not the most exact science, but I still think that my acceptances have a very large component of luck in them.
  4. Sure! I'm primarily IR, although I applied to Yale at a comparativist because of their specialty in conflict. My interest lies primarily in how media affects state decision-making regarding transnational security issues in the Middle East. So, I really fall between IR and comparative. [Edited to include regional focus]
  5. I'll do my best! (As long as I can eat it without cheese or a bun). ...I'm one of those awful people who can't eat dairy or wheat.
  6. To add: my mom took a couple of college accounting classes, but doesn't have anything more than a high school diploma. My DAD, on the other hand, went to school forever. BS in Mechanical Engineering, MBA, and then his JD. ...and he's giving me grief about getting a PhD.
  7. Thank you! I actually feel a bit self-conscious claiming acceptances, but I figure that way people know they aren't just trolls. I actually visited as an undergrad (for the record, rejected 5 years ago hehe) But yeah. I'm definitely hoping to visit! As far as I've heard (which is from a few NU profs) Poli Sci is one of the largest in terms of applicant pool because you have people coming from humanities AND social sciences as well as statistics. I'm gonna be vibing good things to everyone this weekend!! I want some good news for you all!
  8. I will claim one of the Yale acceptances. Fun fact: I got the email at 12:30 in the morning, so I woke up to it. (Clearly, not a partier.) They said the official letter with funding information was in the mail, so we'll see how long that takes to arrive. But congrats to everyone!!! (Although I suppose a weekend response is going to jack up our stress levels even more.)
  9. I want to personally apologize! I swear the graduate secretary told me Columbia would send out decisions by "early next week" (said last week). I promise I didn't mean to stress anyone out! (And for the record I'm on all sorts of pins and needles waiting for Columbia's decision.) So congrats to everyone who had good news this week and I little love and solidarity to those still waiting!
  10. @Otherworlder I'm IR with a regional focus on the Middle East.
  11. Duke did that to me. I hadn't heard anything after acceptances were posted and a large wave of rejections had been posted. I just called the DGS and asked the status of my application since I hadn't heard something. They told me that my application was still under review because they had sent out all the acceptances they could guarantee funding for. My suggestion would be to call and ask. Can't hurt!
  12. I talked to the Columbia DGS this week and she said early to mid week. So I'm with you hoping it's early
  13. Congrats! Maybe I'll see you at the admitted students weekend!
  14. Thanks so much grantman! I'm feeling so incredibly blessed and grateful today.
  15. Stanford: $28,000/year (5 years) $3,500/summer (1 year) $1,000 in discretionary funds 5 years health insurance Includes TAing 5 classes between 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years.
  16. That is so wonderful!!! Congratulations and happy birthday! My advice would be to go out and celebrate, my friend! She was one. I hadn't spoken to her previously, but her research is relevant to my own (media in the Middle East and transnational security issues). I am so far over the moon I'm orbiting somewhere around Saturn.
  17. Thank you! Lisa Blaydes called to tell me and I received my funding letter just a few minutes ago. 28k/year with 3500 summer funding and 1000 in discretionary funds. Now I just want all of you to get some good news too!!!
  18. I'm so sorry, I'm sure this is a dumb question: what is 4-4 and 2-2?
  19. Congratulations!!! I will claim the Stanford acceptance that just popped up on the survey. No word on funding yet, but they said it would come soon. I am honestly shocked and so so incredibly grateful.
  20. Hey! Your research actually sounds rather similar to mine, actually. I focus on Middle Eastern media and its coverage of transnational security issues and what implications that has for state decision making and regional balance of power. But that's another thing. I honestly don't see why you couldn't apply to a PhD program. They take people from all types of backgrounds, but you have to put your application together right (which I'm sure you'll do wonderfully at!). Send me a PM and I'd be happy to talk about my SOP and MY application's shortcomings in the process. All the best!
  21. I find myself again trying to defend someone I dont even know. (And have earned quite a few negative reputation points in the process.) Why does anyone feel the need to "tell on" someone else? Maybe in a moment of panic she asked the question. But I hardly think it is up to a stranger to judge her for an inquiry she had. And do you plan to tell on every single person in this forum who has been accepted somewhere and doesn't think they'll go? Because if not, that seems rather counter-intuitive to me. I just want someone to explain to me why this forum has to be used for negativity instead of people congratulating others on their wonderful achievements and encouraging those who are still waiting on good news!
  22. For anyone worried (me) Columbia said they would be sending out acceptances early to middle of next week. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
  23. Yeah. I just talked to Duke and they said the same thing to me. Basically, we made JV!! (Power of positive thinking,you know?)
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