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Everything posted by rachmuz

  1. Dorinda! I'm going from Toronto to NC (Chapel Hill) too! We should compare notes
  2. I spend a lot of time considering whether I want to spend 13 hours in a car with a loud, drooly, very unhappy cat or ship her on a 1.5 hour flight. The last time I shipped her on a 4 hour flight, she was awake the whole time even though she had been sedated, and a big drooly mess by the time I saw her on the other side (she drools a lot when she is anxious).
  3. We are not at all biased. Nope, nuh uh. Looking forward to seeing you in Chapel Hill, bdon - and hopefully jmaeschro will be joining us!
  4. The Easter bunny turned my wait-list into an acceptance... I will be attending UNC-Chapel Hill this fall! Woohoo! Hang in there folks - it can and will happen!
  5. I should add here that while the Canadian MA programs are funded, you do not usually get to teach - at least, that is my experience. So if teaching experience is important to you, the Canadian MA may not be the best option.
  6. I agree with Dorinda and just wanted to add that I am in the process of talking to current graduate students in my area of study, at the schools I am interested in and it has been tremendously helpful. I have found out lots about the school, program, other students, and my area of study just by doing this. Asking specific questions is key, as is approaching this as a great way to meet others in your field whom you will be running into again and again in the future.
  7. identitychallenged -- It sounds to me like your professors are a bit out of touch? Especially since it is you who has to keep reminding them of just how tough it is out there and it really should be the other way around. It is tough to hear the pity, outrage, etc.- I can sympathize and, in my case, I just grin and bear it. But chin up as well, as it looks like you still have a few schools to hear from! IF you do have to reapply next year, I'd seek advice from other profs as well, especially the younger ones, who tend to be more in touch with the realities of the market.
  8. ALL OF CANADIAN LIT!!!! Sorry, had to get that out of my system But seriously, I grew up in the Canadian public school system and was subjected to the delights of W.O. Mitchell's Who Has Seen the Wind, and Margaret Laurence's The Stone Angel (we all called it The Stoned Angel instead). I just read through this entire thread and I couldn't believe that no one mentioned these two. Then I remembered that y'all are mostly Americans - lucky you!
  9. Thanks for the confirmation, genesisy. Did they offer you a decent funding package? The website doesn't say too much about funding and I've always wondered what they could do for their students since they are such a small department. Congratulations on all your acceptances - it looks like you have some difficult decisions ahead of you!
  10. Has anyone heard from this program? I've seen a couple acceptances on the results board earlier this month. I haven't heard anything so I am assuming that it is probably a rejection for me, but am curious to know if they are done.
  11. So, I am getting a lot of love from the school I've been wait-listed at. The POI reached out to me, introduced me to the other professor in the same field, as well as to other grad students. While I am flattered by all the attention, I can't help wondering why they are spending so much time on me when they have all these actual admits that they should be taking care of?? Or is this all a normal part of their recruitment process? TripWillis - I love how you're trying to work out your chances lol! Believe me I've been trying to do the same though I have much less information to go on. When I asked about my chances, the DGS could only say that the wait-list was not ranked and that my chances are "pretty good". What does that mean??? Argh! The next few weeks is going to feel like an eternity.
  12. Hey all, I'm one of the wait-listers for English. My letter says they accepted 5% (20) and wait-listed 3% (12). My guess is that the 12 admits is the target cohort number - eeps!
  13. Hi JoJo, I'm the second UNC wait list post for today. Yes, I received an email this morning from the DGS. It seems wait-listers are also invited to the open house weekend so I might find myself in Chapel Hill in March
  14. Thanks capacity. I saw this and did the same and got a quick reply back from Sophia with my rejection letter. I just really need to move on with my life as well!
  15. Hi dispositif, I don't have any insider knowledge (or a notification) but just wanted to let you know that i am also anxiously waiting to hear from the CSDS program!
  16. I'm also super curious about the acceptance posted for UMN CSDS! It's one of my top choices...
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