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  1. congrats to all the recent acceptances! I'm glad to see so many people getting offers!
  2. If it's not right for you, I would be perfectly happy to take your CUNY acceptance!
  3. Vic lit and gender studies I actually had a missed call on Monday and had an agonizing wait until I got the 2nd call this afternoon. Good luck! I hope you hear good news soon!
  4. Just accepted to University of Florida!!! fgweuiafvhuiawh34926tyn!!!!! Spoke absolute nonsense on the phone in my excitement.
  5. I would do anything for Flayvors ice cream right now. My jeans are thankful that I'm not within driving distance. Well, not within a reasonable driving distance.
  6. congrats to all the Mich waitlists!
  7. Hate to be the harbinger of doom here, but I think that 2 acceptances per year is pretty standard for them because Women's Studies can only support so many... In my awesome rejection letter from that program last year, they specified two. So fingers crossed for you and dazed--maybe it'll be a GradCafe monopoly this year on that joint program!
  8. It's more fun that way, all the red. My office has decided to go for an extended team lunch and then do an early leave. I hope they don't mind that I'll be constantly refreshing my email/the boards on my phone underneath the table. The real question is whether or not this lunch will include booze....
  9. This. This is exactly what I'm feeling right now. Wisconsin was a hard blow, but if I don't get slightly hopeful news from CUNY, that's going to be pretty heartbreaking. Do try to remember that numerous folks have gotten rejected and then received acceptances from higher ranked schools! That helps. For about 2 minutes. Then I get down again.
  10. Congrats, DontHate! That's great news. Any chance they'll pick the same few days as Columbia so you don't have to fly out here twice? (I mean, not to overlook the frustration of getting interview requests rather than acceptances... but an interview is better than a rejection, right?)
  11. Congrats to all the UMass acceptances! I went to undergrad in the Pioneer Valley and absolutely love it there. Not to mention the awesomeness of UMass English...
  12. Congrats! I know several people currently at CUNY who are extremely happy with the program. I'm incredibly envious--I'm hoping to hear my own good news from them.
  13. congrats, Dazed! what a fantastic program!
  14. Congrats, Porridge! Which one were you?
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