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  1. Thanks Trip, Stately, and Earl Grey! My areas of interest are the long 18th c. and poetics.
  2. ugh thank you!
  3. Hi- sorry this is awkward- but did anyone who received a call catch who was doing the calling? I was on a public bus and could barely hear and am afraid was rude and want to write an email. Thanks
  4. Ugh, I hear you, Trip. H,P,P,Y, and C need to sound their slughorns and wrap this season up.
  5. Bdon, I also have my fingers crossed for you! The visit day is Tuesday March 20! The funding is damn good.
  6. Congrats Trip-- I was pulling for you!! I hope you come to the day-- it would blow my mind to meet real GC royalty!
  7. I had abandoned all hope and ruined what was supposed to be a nice dinner with my boyfriend by drinking too much at the restaurant and breaking down and crying about my surely-fated admissions failure last night-- and then I just got into Rutgers! Hang in there, all! These weekend notifications happen and the game is far from over for most schools!
  8. Well played, Trip, well played! Somerville is lovely- I am wishing you best of luck with Tufts! And the big allusive H remains up in the air. I will toast to the B-town and the Charles tonight.
  9. It was still there a few months ago- right there next to Felipe's double delightful burrito whammy! Damn it I should have applied to more school in Boston...
  10. Charlie's Kitchen: best mozz sticks and friendliest waitstaff ever. They also have Boloco going for them and that awesome falafel place...
  11. I am going to vomit. Need to escape work and go home for whiskey times.
  12. Philip Larkin's Jill, one of his two extended works of prose fiction. It is wonderful to trace some elements of his poetic style shimmering under the surface of his early prose!
  13. Margaritas is bomb! I went there to celebrate undergrad graduation, and I got my first legal drink at the one in Mystic CT while I was doing some delightful maritime studies down there. I miss the Boston area so very much- it is the best place in the world!
  14. TripWillis, are you thinking of Margarita's? It is right by the river there-
  15. I am sending you all so much positive energy today!
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