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Everything posted by skybythelight

  1. This! I'm under no delusions about actually getting in, but I just want it to be official so that little tiny irrational spark of hope inside me that's just so freakin' annoying will just die already. Wow. The things application season does to a person.
  2. So weird. Am I wrong, or is there no way to actually view this decision that's supposedly been made?
  3. Mine switched over to "Decision Made" today as well. I've been (and still am) assuming rejection.
  4. Michigan and Maryland this week, for the love of whoever.
  5. Off topic, but I'm just saying, my boyfriend and I just spent a month or so watching all seven seasons of BMW, so this made me really happy.
  6. Ah, I totally forgot about President's Day. Now that I'm not in school and work at a bakery, those sorts of holidays always slip my mind. Tomorrow might in fact be rather quiet.
  7. Anyone want to guess who we'll hear from tomorrow? I'm guessing/HOPING for Michigan and Maryland.
  8. I didn't apply to Oregon this year, but I'm glad to see that at least they're getting back to their applicants. Last year I didn't get my rejection from them until after April 15th.
  9. Congrats!! That's amazing. Nothing but silence from them on my end.
  10. I did, yes. I had e-mailed back and forth with him a bit back when I was still researching schools, and he was very warm and friendly. I didn't feel too intimidated e-mailing again.
  11. So I emailed Colorado (I applied to the MA) and this is what I got: "I can't speak for the whole admissions committee, but a quick look at your file (we're in the throes of PhD admissions at the moment) tells me you're in the running. We're having a recruitment event on campus from March 7 to 9 for PhD admits, but if those days work for you, you'd be welcome to join in. There's every reason to be positive about your prospects." I know it isn't anything official, but it feels SO good to hear ANYTHING positive. Yay!
  12. Congrats! I applied to their MA program and honestly am just as excited about that possibility as most of my PhDs.
  13. I have a silly question. For those of you who have bitten the bullet and e-mailed a DGS to ask about your application status, how have you worded your message? There are a few schools that I'm considering e-mailing, but I'm wary of coming off too whiney or annoying.
  14. Only one other Minnesota acceptance so far... I wonder if they're just not on Grad Cafe, or if they haven't made the rest of the calls yet?
  15. Congrats! It's almost 8pm here, I know it's unlikely that a. I'll get in to Minnesota and b. I would get the phone call tonight anyway, but I'm still shooting daggers at my phone as it sits in silence.
  16. Yep, this, exactly. I'm in the same position as someone else above: one rejection and not a peep from seven other schools so far. So I've been doing a lot of wavering between "Hey, I never expected to get into Vanderbilt anyway, and it was only the first school, and it was only one rejection" and "This is absolutely hopeless."
  17. Michigan, Maryland, or Minnesota... one of you Ms give us something, anything.
  18. I just finished A Dance with Dragons yesterday and already feel a huge void. I plucked Love in the Time of Cholera from my bookshelf today, but so far haven't cracked into it due to excessive e-mail checking.
  19. Add me to the Maryland luck list, too! I also thought we would have heard something from them and/or Michigan by now.
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