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The Aged P

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New York
  • Program
    English Literature PhD

The Aged P's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Yes! Me! It can be done! I put off applying for two years because I was certain that my horrible--not less than stellar--trainwreckishly awful undergrad transcripts would make me the laughing stock of every admissions committee. Like you, I got my life together and worked really hard in my MA program, but I was under the impression that BA performance was more important than MA performance. While I'm not prepared to make a blanket statement about how heavily transcripts are weighted relative to one another, I can tell you that I'm three weeks into my fully funded top 30 PhD program and my only regret is that it took me so long to work up the nerve to apply. Devote your every waking moment to the application elements that are currently under your control, obsess over fit, and don't apologize. /peptalk
  2. I had no idea such a program existed! But of course all incoming CUNY literati (LusoBrazilian, English, otherwise) would be welcome.
  3. I'm in! I'd love to meet some/all of you before August...I didn't do a great job mixing at the open house. And it looks as if at least a few of us are already in NY.
  4. Echoing the massive round of congrats! I've been following this thread semi-obsessively, mostly for the vicarious adrenaline rush but also because UT-A is near the top of the list of schools I would have applied to if geography weren't an issue. Well done all, and fingers crossed for those still waiting.
  5. This exactly. I took a few years after undergrad and another two after my MA and I will be 30 by the time I start the PhD, and no one has seemed to notice or care. And you'll be sending those apps in November and December--really only a couple of months out of school.
  6. I've been stoking my excitement by poring over old orals reading lists (http://www.columbia.edu/cu/english/grad_orals.htm)
  7. I'll be at CUNY! It was my only option, but it probably would have been my first choice in any scenario.
  8. I did a little further research, and it seems that you would be compensated for additional credits taught. My impression is that 18,000 is the minimum payment per year. The fifth year non-teaching assignment comes with 20,000.
  9. That makes sense. Encouraging sense, as it would free up one of three slots. Although it would, I suppose, be useful to take it right away.
  10. I know!!! How to narrow it down to just three... I'm especially drawn to the theory stuff as well. Do you know if we'd be required to take intro to doctoral studies in the first semester? Probably, right?
  11. http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Doctoral-Programs/English/Courses/Upcoming-Courses#t8
  12. Have any of you browsed the Fall course offerings? Swoon.
  13. Yes, definitely! I'll be scanning the crowd for a James Baldwin type. And I hear you on the CUNY vs. Rutgers question. I would be a sweaty, quivering, indecisive wreck in your position.
  14. Yes to all this. I now have a (totally expected) rejection from the last place that could have affected my decision. I went 1/6, and the 1 would always have been my first or second choice. It isn't that I necessarily wanted options, as confident decision making has never been my forte. I'm merely struggling with the impostor syndrome that we've all agreed is an inevitable side effect of a lone acceptance. The absurd thing is that, had I gone 0/6, I would have been whining that I'm totally cut out for doctoral study and the adcomms just don't get me. Ah well. Onward and upward. After months of crippling, stomach-churning anxiety, it's time to let myself be excited that I am getting a Ph-effing-D. At CUNY no less! And you have two seriously kickass options, Dorinda. You owe yourself several high-fives and a stiff drink.
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