Yes to all this. I now have a (totally expected) rejection from the last place that could have affected my decision. I went 1/6, and the 1 would always have been my first or second choice. It isn't that I necessarily wanted options, as confident decision making has never been my forte. I'm merely struggling with the impostor syndrome that we've all agreed is an inevitable side effect of a lone acceptance. The absurd thing is that, had I gone 0/6, I would have been whining that I'm totally cut out for doctoral study and the adcomms just don't get me.
Ah well. Onward and upward. After months of crippling, stomach-churning anxiety, it's time to let myself be excited that I am getting a Ph-effing-D. At CUNY no less! And you have two seriously kickass options, Dorinda. You owe yourself several high-fives and a stiff drink.